Traveling With Our Veggie Oil Car & Meeting Steemians Along The Way | Our Permaculture Journey to Florida!

in #travel6 years ago

Hey y'all! Spring is definitely in the air @mountainjewel. Seems a bit early, but we really can't complain!


Many of you will remember our epic quest to find N America's Caffeine Plant which was a couple of weeks ago. Ini and I both traveled throughout our 20s and those who know us now know us as homesteaders, but we're travelers at heart! The last trip invigorated and inspired us and reminded us of how easy it is to be on the move and just go! So we've planned another trip, this time to Florida!

We want to meet up with Steemians along the way, especially those who share similar interests and may have cool Permaculture stuff going on that we can document! Here is our route and no promises about stopping along the way, but if it aligns: how cool!

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Our trusty biodiesel Genevieve, has taken us on many adventures since we picked her up in Massachusetts all those years ago.


She was converted from a Jetta TDI into an awesome Permaculture car that uses a common waste stream in our culture and turns it into fuel!

Through Greasecar systems, there's a tank in the back that we put filtered used vegetable oil into (that we get from restaurants for example) and can run ~40 miles/gal! It's time to kick this system back into gear!

She's taken us to the Grand Canyon for an epic hike from the rim to the mighty Colorado in one day! (not exactly advised):



Through Colorado's Garden of the Gods:


Up to pristine mountain passes:



To the Appalachian Mountains:


Out to California's majestic Redwoods:


And so many places inbetween!!



It's time to kick back up the veggie oil system!!



And hit the road again for a little adventure!!


If you're interested in being a part of our journey and connecting with us, contact us in the comments or on discord! We'll be making a visit to a few key permaculture places in Florida, which will be announced in coming posts, but if you have any suggestions of places along our route to stop as well, please share them with us!

We're hoping to connect with Steemians while we're on the move and will be spending a little over a week in the southernmost part of Florida so if you live there and have any spots you'd like to take us let us know!

We do plan on seeing one set of Steemians, @birdsinparadise! and I'm sure they'll take us to some cool spots!

We want to fish, hike, see cool places, enjoy the ocean, visit permaculture farms or places with lots of beauty and biodiversity.

Show us your most beautiful place!

Please tag anyone you know who lives in these areas to spread the word of our travels!

Thanks and bright blessings!

<3 @mountainjewel



Hope to see ya out west sometime!

yes!! would love that. we love the west, so i'm sure it will happen <3 how are you @cahlen? still at the meditation retreat?

I am so jealous (in a good way) :) ...I miss traveling so much!

I wish you guys all the best, you look like an amazing couple.
Best of luck and a big hug from Israel

thanks so much! your travel with your canadian brother was quite something- looks like you know how to travel yourself ;) thanks so much <3 hug back to ya

Traveling is my life i a way...been doing it since i was very young...actually i feel very "itchy" when i stay in one place more then 2 years is almost a syndrome :)

Perhaps we will get a chance to meet up on one of those travels...would be awesome:)

You've gone a lot of places. Happy travels as you head out again. I hope it's a good trip. Be safe!

thank you! always love traveling <3

That's awesome, you really know how to travel in style. At one point I was looking into a bio diesel motorcycle. You'll be meeting lots of interesting people and seeing the way they live. How do you plan to fill up with veg oil along the way, built in filter?

thanks! yes, love meeting people who are doing awesome inspiring things, documenting it and sharing it. usually we carry veggie oil with us. we hope to leave with a full veg fuel tank and bring a few containers of filtered veg too. we are going to look for plant genetics so we'll see how full the car is on the way home to warrant trying to find veg while in Florida (or to and from). In California once through craigslist, we had the good fortune to meet someone who filtered and sold veg oil out his garage. We ended up hitting it off and staying at his place for a few days! Oh the people you meet!

Yay! We are so glad we will be able to see you! Perhaps I'll even have a few of my healthy sunshine juices to share with you! It will be awesome to see other Steemians along your way.

Yes please share the health! ;) looking forward to seeing you. ini wants to go spearfishing! it'll be fun <3!

That's the beauty of the US, one can really travel. It's a shame that I never went there. Such a beautiful country. Good luck on your travels. I'm looking forward seeing your posts. Great idea to convert your VW into a car that runs on biofuel.

yes it is one blessing. it's a huge country with lots of fantastically beautiful places. thank you for the support! we bought it already converted and never looked back. it's a treat to use a "waste product" for fuel :D

That sounds so wonderful! Enjoy your trip. I'm way out in CA and mostly know permaculture people here or in Hawaii. I look forward to seeing pics from the journey.

Thank you! Yes CA and Hawaii are soooo full of wonderful places like this! That is where I gleaned so much inspiration during my travels. Landing it in the midwest where there is not as much inspiration is one of my life goals! <3

We're actually going to be in Florida visiting family in a few weeks. When are you guys heading down there?

awesome! we are thinking of leaving around the 12 and will have about a 2 week window to toot around. where will you be?

Yeah, we’ll be there the same time then. We’ll be arriving in FL the 12th. We’ll be in Ocala and a few days in Miami.

that's awesome haha perhaps we can meet up around miami. there were a few things i wanted to see there. do you have family there?

Love this on so many levels! Hooray for exploring! And even more so given the method. I can't wait to hear about your adventures :)

awesome! thanks for reading and thanks for your encouragement <3 !! :D yay for exploring!

Oooo. Sounds like a really fun trip. Can't wait to see your posts from the road.

What about your homestead? Will someone look after it for you while you're away?

yes, we'll have a local friend stop by often. we're doing this trip now, right before spring starts up in earnest because after that we wound't be able to leave it! ... but for now, there's not too much we have to do on the daily :)

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