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RE: Day 10 - Team Beck comes to grips with Amsterdam

in #travel7 years ago

Hi Kiligirl, such lovely photos of Amsterdam . I had no idea the architecture was so unusual. It is an old city so I don't know why the surprise. Relaxing and fun. The 3 of you have a knack for picking out the best of it all. Emma has become a world class traveler. She has that look of confidence about her now that comes from dragging luggage and dodging bicyclists. As always a fun read. Ellie Mae. 🐓🐓


Hi again, Ellie Mae - Amsterdam really is a must visit city. A beautiful place with something big and small to see around every corner. There are so many museums there it's insane. We've been there twice now and still haven't had the chance to go to Anne Frank's house or the natural science museum (that last one is my cup of tea).

You really pegged it about Emma. At the beginning of the trip, she was the "carried traveller" - basically expecting us to do everything (and I mean everything) for her, although she was smart enough not to ask us to carry her luggage...the thought bubble was there, but it didn't translate into speech. There was a gasp of horror when I asked her after the second breakfast to do the dishes in our Paris Airbnb ("Me?!?" was the shocked response - hysterical). By the end of the trip she was pitching in with helping us to navigate and was much more actively participating in the planning of where we would go, so mission accomplished to a certain extent. She really enjoyed Amsterdam. I hope you get a chance to visit there soon - wait until you see the library in the Rijksmuseum, coming up in the next post! I thought of you when I saw it and when I read that post of yours about libraries I wondered how anyone would ever get you out of there! 😊😊

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