
You bet this one is getting voted up and resteemed. I love the ending in how you affirm natures control and governance beholding far more power than that of any kind man has ushered in. I wish we would of never tampered with things in and below the earth. That's the source of the true problem, man's greed. We've gone way out of our human boundaries. Them ship wrecks are proof! how we handle it all once such unlucky happenings occur is a whole other thing entirely.

Thanks for sharing this awesome well written and thought provoking piece. Without them volunteers from SAANCOB nothing would have occurred to try and prevent from such a disaster from going uncorrected in the future. We need more people to start waking up and also taking accountability for their mishaps, wrong doings and unwise decisions made.

You said it brother, we have to take better care of this beautiful planet we call home and those that do damage should be held accountable for their actions. We live in a connected world and the hiding places for these environmental bandits are disappearing fast. The ships owner knew that the ship was unfit for purpose?

Molometer, what an excellent article you wrote. It saddens me when such disasters occur because there is so much destruction to nature and its animals that live in the affected area. I remember how people had to help the poor birds when the BP disaster occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. They were totally covered in the sticky oil. Hawaii even sent a team to help the the environment cleanup there. We need to be less dependent on oil and learn to use nature's resources to live.

At least you did your part by writing to the owner of the MV Seli 1 and to the authorities on their handling of the situation. Even if it had little effect, it still was an effort on your part to express your concerns. Now if everyone wrote, just think how much effect it would have had. Thank-you for writing such a good and well written article. It was very informative. I'm glad that nature eventually took care of the mess that man could not do. Again thank-you @molometer! ......Cabbagepatch :D

It was so devastating to the local wildlife and ecosystem of Table Bay that many thought that it would never recover. It has somewhat but many animals suffered in the process. I love South Africa and the people but the leadership is another matter. Especially where a quick buck overshadows more important considerations like the environment we live in.

Interesting story! So sad that a lot of time nature and most of all the animals have to suffer while people argue about non important things like money and paper work :( It is so important to keep our planet clean and take care of it! Thanks for writing about something serious using this tag! It is always important to remind the people of their responsibilities! Now I also know why you where interested int South Africa in my post ;) Hope to see you around in the future! Hugs Liz

Thanks Liz, the object of travel (other than the mundane commute to work) is to explore and find new and interesting things. That's how I see it too.
The owner of the Seli 1 claimed the insurance on the wreck and left the locals with the clean up bill!
He should have been jailed for the damage but you know. Bribe the right person and you just walk away.

Yeah I know.. its a shame! Exactly: Traveling is diving into new cultures, history and mentality of another country...exploring their world.. not just visiting and taking selfies.

That's my view as well. Sitting on a beach anywhere is nice for an hour or so but you have to get out and meet the people. What you find is amazing. They are dealing with the same things as we are every day. We have everything in common and when you explore their cultures you find parallels everywhere.

exactly! That is what I love about traveling :) - And that is what i am gonna write about too on my travels. Hope to see you around for it!

I'll be there and look forward to your travel blogs. Exciting times ahead.

Great! Thank you :) See you around then.

Such an interesting read and it always infuriates me when I read of environmental disasters from oil spills they do so much damage that takes years and in some case decades for the environment to recover but more often than not the oil companies do what is needed to convince the news media to loose interest in reporting on it far to Soon

The news media was at first really doing well in keeping it on the agenda but something got to them and then the spin really started.
The government, Oil companies, car companies and even the tourist industry were putting pressure on the press to try to say they were 'doing what they could' but the truth is. It was complete incompetence that turned a terrible accident into a local disaster.

The same pattern seen so often sadly money talks :(

True, all too often but it shows that some committed people at least, can make a difference.

Yes and the good thing is I think slowymore people are becoming aware and doing what they can to make a difference:)

As South African I can still recall this fiasco!!

Yep fiasco is exactly the right word. What a mess they made of the whole thing.

I remember not long ago we had a huge spill with a BP oilrig that they couldn't get to stop flooding oil right into the ocean. Man tried to clean it up, but in the end, nature did the "dirty work" as you say.

I think that oil spill happened around the same time. In the gulf of Mexico?
The BP spill was massive I remember it well. As you say, in both nature stepped in and cleaned up.
Most of that oil is probably in big globs on the sea floor ready for sealing back into the earths crust?

I m Sani, Indonesian , I love traveling
If u dont mind, Plz come to my account @kakilasak :)

Thank you for your upvote. I'll pop over and take a look see. Been seen done lol

your topic is very good , thankyou for sharing @molometer
plis vote me back

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