Interesting facts about the durian.

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Durian - a rather unusual fruit.
He has a very tasty flesh and a sharp unpleasant odor. It is called the king of fruits in the world. People who have tried durian, argued that carries him something rotten, but if you do not sniff, it tastes like cream from fresh milk, sugar and eggs. Also, the sweet taste of durian is similar in taste to mango, banana, pineapple, vanilla, papaya, and at the same time.
However, the smell of durian is simply awful! It is unpleasant to the extent that this exote not allowed in public places. Fruit leaves a lasting fetid aroma, which is very difficult to get rid of. If you close your nose and try durian, you can get an indescribable pleasure. Eat it with a spoon is recommended, otherwise it is impossible to wash his hands of the smell.
The fruits grow on trees in tropical forests, and are included in the menu of most residents of the countries of Central America and Southeast Asia. Moreover, this fruit there is very appreciated for the flavor and cooked out of it a lot of desserts, sauces and drinks.
Ripe fruit is 20 cm in diameter and up to three kg. There are instances of the size of a soccer ball. Durians not tear off the trees and waiting when they reach the ground. Immature fruits are subjected to cooking and is included in all kinds of dishes.
Mature durians - a sophisticated dessert with a magical taste. They are famous for their rich composition of nutrients. The flesh contains a lot of vitamins B and C. The specific flavor attributed to the action of organic sulfur, which is in the fruit.
The main rule - durian can be eaten no later than 2-3 days after ripening, because of the creamy flesh becomes slippery.
Collection of immature fruit is very dangerous and collectors should work in a helmet. Just flesh hiding under thick skinned with lots of thorns. A fall on the head of such a ball with spikes weighing 2-8kg fraught with unpleasant consequences.
Even flowers durian tree is unusual. Flowers on long stalks grow directly on the trunk or on the thick branches. And often in addition to their bee pollinators are bats.
Due to the smell of durian fruit in many states have prohibited to enter and in public transport, hotels and so on. Headquarters, as the special warning stickers on the doors.
Also durian almost exported to other countries. Is that underripe fruit break and rest up during transport.
I really wanted to bring their relatives Durian, but at the airport police took my fruit and said that can not be exported from the country of this fruit!
Durian is not only tasty but also very useful for health.Fruit very rich in vitamins, fats, carbohydrates (27.09 grams) and protein. But most importantly - there is no cholesterol at all. The leaves of the plant contain hydroxytryptamine and mustard oil.

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Sorry for my bad english.

All the photos I make myself.


spotted a typo. Frukt = Fruit?

Yes, thank you!

You're welcome

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