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RE: Day 10 - Team Beck comes to grips with Amsterdam

in #travel7 years ago

Great post! You have such a funny and catching way of writing, made it easy to read the whole thing even though it was quite long. I love how you described the local migration patterns and your confusion about them, I always appreciate it when people can make jokes about themselves. And when you are in a new country or city you have to have some humor when trying to figure out how the world works there!

Amsterdam is such a great city, I have been there twice before and looking at the pictures in this post really made me want to go back there. I adore the architecture there especially all those skinny houses are adorable! And the canals are really beautiful, I could definitely imagine myself living in Amsterdam one day. The language seems really difficult to learn though.

Red light district is interesting too, first time I went there I got chased with a broom stick by a lady who was working there because I had my camera hanging around my neck. I was not taking pictures but I guess she thought I was. I was 14 at the time so it was a bit of a overwhelming and quite eyeopening experience.

Thank you for the great post, I really did enjoy the way you write and I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future! :)


Hi, @mialinnea, nice to meet someone who's also spent some time in Amsterdam! I laughed at your story about the lady with a broomstick because Emma was happily taking pictures that evening and we kept telling her not to - look around, we said, do you see anyone else taking photos? No? There's a reason, they really don't like it when you do - but I wish I'd had your broomstick story ready. You were 14 when you were there?!? I don't think I would have coped at 14. Kudos to you, intrepid one!

I'm delighted you like the way I write. I do it to make myself and those I love laugh - at ourselves, at the situations we get into, at the small details of life that make us appreciate who we are and what we have.

And time I go I would really like to spend more than a week there and take a slower approach. My upcoming posts about our only full day in Amsterdam will give you some idea of how we took a "do as much as possible in our only tourist day there, but chill and take time to breathe" approach.

I've enjoyed meeting you here and reading a few of your posts. Interesting stuff you're doing. Look forward to more. 😊😊

Haha! It took me some time before I understood that she was mad at me because of the camera, it was quite a confusing situation. Yes I was 14 and visiting the city with my friend who has relatives living there but we spent a lot of time sightseeing in the city on our own. It was quite an adventure!

Now I am really curious about the rest of your journey! Looking forward to reading about it :)

Nice meeting you too! And glad you enjoyed some of my posts, but I could learn a great deal from your style of writing. I am not as creative with words, or at least not in English. I hope to take a creative writing class in spring to improve my writing skills some more :)

I'll bet! A woman brandishing a broom, screeching at you in a language you didn't understand surrounded by women in windows with basically no clothes on...nothing disturbing or confusing about a situation like that. Of course you would think of your camera first - how obvious!

I really appreciate your comments about my writing style. Honestly, I'd call it the pay homage to the ridiculous/make myself laugh/be true to what really happened because it doesn't need embellishing style (that could use some shortening, I'll admit). What seems to be happening is the more I write on Steemit, the easier it gets to find my voice. Perhaps that means the old advice of practice, practice, practice applies. You already have a great base - you write well (you have those elusive basics of spelling and grammar firmly in control - and don't get me started on actual sentence structure...I might get rapturous) and communicate clearly what you're trying to say. Maybe that's your voice for now. Explore it! Cheers 😊😊

Thank you! 😊 I really appreciate your comments too! Yes, right now the most important part for me when writing is to be clare about what I am trying to say. So I am happy if I am succeeding in that! It has only been a month and one week since I moved to the US (and I will be here until next june) so I guess I will become more confident in my writing style as time passes by. 🙂

So far, I'm just deeply impressed that you write this well in a language you say isn't your mother tongue! Keep at it, and your writing quality will go from good to great. 😊😊

😊 Thank you!

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