Vienna: It´s Very Clean And Green.... Visit And Explore Our City!!!

in #travel6 years ago (edited)


You can see it right away when you set your feet on its grounds...the streets are clean, seldom you see any trash anywhere because the citizens are disciplined. There are garbage cans all over the city and in every inner city streets they are located at about 20 meters apart . Whether you are in the city center or in the outskirts bordering Lower Austria, the surrounding areas are clean.

Vienna is the primary city and the capital of Austria with a population of about 1.8 M. It is the 2nd largest german speaking city after Berlin and it is also called the City of Music. Mozart lived here playing music for the monarchy. The city has some of the finest music schools worldwide and students come from all parts of the globe. Considered the city of Dreams, viennese Sigmund Freud lived in the 9th District. Nowadays, his home has become a museum for tourists. Known for its quality of life, Vienna consistently ranked top for eight consecutive years between 2009- and 2016 in Mercer´s Survey as first in the cities that has " Quality of Living ".

The Alte Donau (Old Danube)

The Alte Donau, above photo (the Old Danube) is a recreational area for the locals and tourists alike. Last year, Bill Gates visited here incognito with his eldest daughter with 4 bodyguards , ate steak at the Strandcafé, gave enormous tip to the waiters and afterwards went with his daughter for a boat ride the two of them pedalling in the water.


I am sharing and posting my personal impressions of this beautiful city for I am lucky to be able to live here. It´s been my home for the past 35 years. It is consistent for its cleanliness and that is why it ranks as one of the cleanest cities in the world. Indeed, the city of Vienna has invested in waste disposal system more than a couple of decades ago and it´s been paying off ever since. The citizens are environment-conscious and help the State maintain the cleanliness everywhere. We have a good waste separation system that works as well as effective ecosystem, garbage collecting and disposal as well as waste burning. Cleanliness has priority and therefore the locals maintain tidiness by abiding with the city ordinances.

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This is me... behind me is one of the streets in the 4th District, where my former office is located... you can see that there are no trash on the grounds behind me

Lately, I visited Holland and I was shocked at the enormous numbers of tourists who were there. It´s a beautiful city though , but I find it more dirtier than Paris. Garbage cans on the streets were not that many and the tourists simply drop their waste on the streets. I visited the chinese area jam packed with people coming from various nations and I saw the same.... too much garbage along the street. Well, their city is a hotspot for kids and youngster from all walks of life and they want to enjoy the scene and not pay attention on whether they are making the streets dirty. The coffee bars were crowded with tourist youths wanting to buy their joints. It´s a free city where cannabis is legally sold. Some of them are on the street smoking their newly bought grass.

At Am Graben located in the inner city of Vienna that is adjacent to the Dome Plaza and as usual, jam packed with tourists (taken last Thursday)

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Am Graben

In Vienna, the homeless are taken care of by the State.. The homeless locals need not sleep on the street. They have some shelter to go to sleep in the night and eat breakfast then leave during the day and come back again in the night. If I would compare the homeless situation here and Paris, I would say that the homeless people here are lucky. Paris is a big city and has a bigger population, they surely will have more funds ... there, I saw people sleeping on the streets with their cartons and and I saw them multiple times near the bridges of Seine. I guess, the bigger the city has more problems than a smaller one. But I still believe that has all something to do with politics.

St. Peter´s Church

I have to tell that Vienna is a green city too not only in waste disposal , the whole city is planted with lots of trees where it is possible. Also the reason why it is nicer to walk in alleys because they´re full of huge trees.


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21st District - My Home District

Vienna has 23 Districts and this is where we live. It is in the outskirts of the city bordering Lower Austria and is separated from the rest of the 21 districts by the Danube River to the east. Here you can also see the cleanliness of my District. The images below were taken from inside the car.

I used to take this bus every morning to the subway station

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on my way home

the street where I live, the white car after the red is the driveway
to the row houses

And so that wraps-up my post for this city. I hope you will visit someday and experience not only its cleanliness but also the beautiful architecture, the coffee culture, the Museums and parks, and the friendliness of the people. The crime rate is low so you need not be scared to roam around. Enjoy the images!!!

Content and images (except for the Bill Gates photo courtesy of the Strandcafé) on this post are original and are properties of the author. If you would like to use any of the photos from this post, please give source credits by linking the URL of this post in your content.

GIF provided by @gremayo


I hope I´d be able to bring my family here... who knows someday. Beautiful images, thanks for sharing!

Yes why not.... you are welcome and thanks for dropping by . Glad you like the photos.

Das ist sehr schön von dir, die atemberaubende Aussicht auf den Ort sagt der ganzen Welt, dass es so schön ist dort zu leben, bald werde ich durch Europa touren. Schreib weiter tolle Orte, an denen du warst.

Danke schon @otom... ja, gerne werde ich mehr schreiben. Hoffentlich wirst Du Wien besuchen. Prost!

Beautiful City of Vienna! Wish I could visit there someday! Upvoted and resteemed😊

Thanks @faithlovefigures... I hope so too that you will visit one day. We can collaborate with Luz and Venus. Nice to hear from you.

deine liebe @mers für die Eindrücke, wie geht es deinen Tomaten. Hast du auch Grukenpflanzen?

Danke dass Du mich heute besuchst..Meine Tomaten sind alles gesund und ich habe auch Gurkenpflanzen, acht davon... alles in container. Huh (!!!), ich habe die ganze Saat- Packung probiert und die 8 sind die gesündesten. Hahaha...Was mache ich nun mit 8 Gurkenpflanzen?

da wird's ganz viel Gurkensalat geben, ne?

Salat und Säfte...sehr gesund! Hast Du schon mal Gurkensaft probiert? gurken Raspeln , in ein Kuchen tuch wickeln und d. Saft auspressen, gibt 1 saft von eine Zitrone dazu, süssstoff + eiswürfel... Presto! Du hast ein coolen drink!!! Die gurken selber kannst Du als zutaten für tsatsiki..

You are indeed very lucky in this lifetime @ mers...ka nice sa place...enjoy ka pa sa field of flowers!

Indeed Jude, thank you.

Thanks for this post! This made me like I already have traveled to Vienna from the photos you shared. Yes it's really clean ah! The people are disciplined that's why they also maintained it's cleanliness. Lucky waiters with Bill G.! Wonderful photos mam mers.

Hello Fycee dear... thanks for coming over, glad you liked the photos. Isn´t this city wonderful?!

Really nice place. I hope someday i can visit austria especially vienna. Living in a place like this is like living in heaven. Lovely photos. Lovely you!

Hahaha... Thank you dear sis Fhe.

I Labit.... so clean and wonderful, I love the images. Made me feel refreshed!

Indeed refreshing and the air is clean because the city has plenty of trees. Many thanks.

Hope I can travel to Vienna next year.
Love the greeneries , cleanliness and architecture ❤️

Thank you Joy! Yeah, do tell me when you come and I´ll show you around.

Yay, thanks mers.
Now I'm excited! 😂

It´s a beautiful city. It is amazing that with that plenty of tourists that dirts do not land on those grounds. Amazing clean city, really. I am impressed. Thanks for sharing these images.

You are welcome and thank you for your kind comments. I think the tourists are just being careful not to throw dirt on the ground because they are afraid to get caught by the looking public. It is very embarrassing if people will see you doing so since you might get scrutinized by the people. hehehe.

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