Germany - Snapshots while Traveling Through and Insider Tips

in #travel6 years ago

Howdy folks! Today I'm going to share some pics of my trip through Germany. Along the way you'll learn some travel tips that are essential to know before you go to Germany. Let me know in the comments what you'd like to see more pics of, as I have tons still to share with you!


Above: View from the Marriott Hotel in Cologne, Germany. Notice how every balcony looks like a garden. Perhaps it's the weather in Southern Germany, but both homes and cities are bursting with beautiful, overflowing flower pots. It's quite inspiring.


Above: The courtyard of the Cologne Cathedral. For more about the Cathedral visit my blog at The contrast of modern man in working attire and the centuries old cathedral is striking. This day, some type of sidewalk chalk contest or showcase was happening and several artists were filling the courtyard with beautiful, huge chalk artwork.


Above: A lion spew forth water as part of a fountain in Cologne, Germany. As are fountains all over the world, this one was littered with euros. The majority of the Germans we encountered seemed to be rather grumpy (at least, according to US norms), so perhaps the luck isn't quite working for them. Maybe more coins are needed! ;-)


Above: Evidence of commerce can be seen all along the Rhine. These shipping containers are identical to the containers seen in ports all over the US. Where do they come from? Who creates them? Why do they pile up, unused, in shipping yards everywhere? Some people have begun to use them as part of the tiny house craze.


Above: BIG hot dog, little bun. These are perfect for the late night snack, and quite traditional all over Germany. Fries, known as pomme frittes here are the perfect accompaniment and can often be had smothered in a delicious sauce, although not quite as delicious as the Patat Oorlog which can be found in the Netherlands. For more on that, check out


Above: The view from a VRBO stay. Germans don't typically have air conditioning, so check the weather before you go! It was in the upper 80s during the majority of our time in Germany, and with no ac it was sweltering. The VRBOs we booked didn't have fans either, so consider bringing your own.


Above: A seemingly typical German town. This is Alsfeld, Germany. The townhall dates back to the 1200's. We visited on a weekend, so found that none of the shops were open, although there were some neat little items on display in the windows. Fortunately, good service a the restaurants made up for the lack of anything else to do in the quaint little town. :-)

Thanks for joining me in a quick trip through Germany. Check back frequently for me detailed posts of my travels through Germany and other points in Europe. I'll also be sharing a list of what you NEED to know before you travel to Europe.

Get in touch with me at to book YOUR next adventure!


Happy Travels!


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