Austria - A Foggy Morning Hike

in #travel6 years ago

Thanks for joining me in my adventures. This blog is dedicated to travels off the beaten path. You won't find my review of Disney World here, but you might just discover a new way to explore your world. If you're a fan of the road less traveled, I think you'll like what we have in store today.

Alpine Fog

Most of the time that I spent in Europe was during the recent heatwave. Temperatures easily exceeded 30 degrees every day, and there were no air conditioners or fans in sight. On this particular day, the air was a little cooler, but still every bit of 25 degrees.

The morning started with a leisurely walk around town in a dense fog. Near the cemetery, we came across this wooden telescope. It pointed to the Sleeping Capuchin off in the distance. After reading about the capuchin and his subsequent curse, we decided it was time to head up the mountain...before it got too hot.

This time, we drove up the mountain through a twisting road which bucked and turned every few feet. The fog got thicker as we rose. At times, we couldn't see the very mountain on which we were driving! Matthew pushed the gas pedal a little harder in his haste to be through the thick fog.

Stepping out of the car at the top of the mountain, we were immediately freezing. The temperature had dropped to about 13 degrees in the time it had taken us to get to the mountain top! We were also the only people here this time. The silence was heavy as we looked into the blank distance.

We hunkered down inside our hoodies and went for a quick walk. There is something majestic about a fog-shrouded mountain - the trees only visible in the foreground with everything else a soft blanket of grey. After the sweltering temperatures of the past few weeks, we were ill-prepared for such a drastic change.

Regardless, we took the time to lounge on one of the giant swivel chairs placed near the trail. On a clear day, you can see every mountain peak in the area without even getting up. This day, there was a wall of clouds and nothing else. After, we rushed back to the car and cranked the heater up, savoring the stillness of the foggy mountain from the comfort of the heated car.

Thanks for joining me on this short, cold hike. For information about how you can plan your own surprise adventure, find me at Travel Life Services. What surprises have you encountered while in a favorite place? Let me know in the comments.


Happy Travels!


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i could take a nap on that bench...looks so comfy. have you ever used the #walkwithme this seems perfect for that tag.

The first time I was on that mountain, when the temperature was a little warmer, I spent a good 30 minutes lounging there. It was great.

No, I haven't explored different tags very much. I do struggle to come up with all 5 sometimes though, so I might try that one.

Thanks @buttcoins! Looking forward to seeing your content in the #walkwithme tag @mattifer! Gorgeous misty shots here!

Thank you!

oh i can imagine... bring one of those blow up neck pillows....sit back and enjoy the natural Playstation

Yes... @lyndsaybowes when i see quality blog journeys like this i always send folks to walkwithme tag! 😎

I appreciate it. 😀😀😀

Wow, what beautiful and mysterious photos with fog)

Thank you! I'm glad you dropped by. 😀

What a neat place.. Has a sort of eerie feel to it with the fog and everything, despite it being cold it sounds like you had a good lil adventure! Thanks for sharing. ._.

Yep, it was definitely eerie! Especially in contrast to what it looked like just a few days prior.

Ooh that sounds like the perfect experience. Maybe it was necessary as a break from the heatwave :)

It was certainly a welcome break ... for the first 10 minutes anyway! 😂🤣😂

a love fog. the best photos are in fog a feel. its nice tho have a nice view to. but the mystery.

Yes, the mystery makes it feel more special. Thanks for stopping by!

Oh, I hate when this happen. Once we went to the mount Rigi by an old train. It is so expensive to get there!! We thought that the fog would disappear once we are up the hill.. How wrong we were...

We barely saw each other in the fog, LOL! No views at all!

Ha! Too bad you didn't get the view you were looking for, but at least you got a good story. I really enjoyed the fog, but it sure was cold up there!

Well, we were there with some visitors so I was feeling sad for them. I've seen the view so many times before but it was a pity for them.. anyway, I'm sure they haven't seen so much fog before, lol!

I was in the same situation. I had been up the mountain before, but I was trying to show Matt's mom the view. All she saw was fog. :-/ We had a good time though. :-)

Of course, it depends on your attitude! It's good that you can enjoy regardless the conditions! :)

Wait, what's this about a Capuchin?

Glad you asked! Basically, the capuchin was a sort of monk or friar. He was on his way through the mountains to help a sick man when he encountered the devil in disguise. Now this devil was slick and took advantage of the capuchin's fondness for drink and the two of them sat and drank the night away. In the morning, the capuchin continued on his journey but found the sick man had died in the night. Realizing he had been tricked by the devil, the capuchin sat down on the mountain and there he sits to this day.

Wow @mattifer. This looks like quite an experience and you tell it well. I feel the cold and hear the silence!

Thank you! I always feel like I've succeeded as a writer when I make the reader feel something. :-) I'm glad you stopped by.

Great foggy morning, hope your day is good.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for dropping by! My day has been great so far. I hope yours is as well.

Wow, what beautiful photos. There's something lovely, and yet creepy, about fog. Thank you for sharing!

Thanks for dropping by. I love the creepy fog. And it's almost time for Halloween and creepy fog everywhere! Yay!!

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