Does travelling get cheaper than this? (Be comfortable in uncomfortable)
No hotel, no bed, no gas in the car...eating pure cooked corn with salt...using corn leaves as a spoon :) But happy, living life..
End of summer 2011, all the money spent on travels or music festivals and one week left to start of the school. Also, 2 first driving licences in our friends circle."F it, let's go on some roadtrip, my auntie could give us her old Peugeot for a week.."
So we Denmark for 5 days (altogether 2,600 kilometers). We couldn't afford hotels, we couldn't afford coffee in the highway gas stations, we couldn't even afford any other food than pasta with ketchup :D But it was one hell of a trip!
So what?
I'm sure this is not for everyone, but you don't really need much money to get out of your hometown and create some memories for the rest of you life. Except for my hitchhiking travels, this was the cheapest trip I'll ever be a part of and at the same time it's up there among the best ones.Moral
I don't want to sound cliché....Of course, you DO need money to travel. But the amount of it is proportional to your standards.Learn how to be comfortable in uncomfortableand you have won! Now you can go on tree trips instead of one. And then, if you REALLY want it, you'll even manage one more ;)
Some pics
------------------ Mother tongue version ------------------
Bez hotela, bez jedla, bez veceru varena kukurica so solou...a miesto lyzicky kukuricne listy :) Napriek tomu spokojni, uzivame si zivot..
Koniec leta 2011, vsetky peniaze davno minute na festivaloch, do zaciatku skolskeho roka ostava tyzden. A k tomu prve dva vodicaky v partii."Nasrat, podme na trip, moja teta nam mozno pozicia jej stareho Peugeota."
A tak sme Danska na 5 dni (tam a naspat dokopy 2600 km). Nemali sme na hoteli, nemali sme na kavu na pumpach a nemali sme ani na ziadne ine jedlo ako spagetti s kecupom :D Ale bol to top vylet!
No a?
Viem, ze taketo cestovanie nie je pre kazdeho, ale pokial naozaj chcete vypadnut z domu a vytvorit si par zazitkov na cely zivot, nie je Vam na to treba vela penazi. Okrem mojich vyletov stopom bol toto najlacnejsi vylet, ktoreho som sa zucastnil a zaroven je aj jeden z najlepsich.Pointa
Nechcem zniet cliché....samozrejme, na cestovanie Vam treba peniaze . Ale ich mnozstvo je priamo umerne komfortu, ktory potrebujete. A nad tym mate kontrolu.Naucte sa citit komfortne aj v nekomfortnych situaciacha mate vyhrate! S takymto mindsetom mozete ist teraz miesto jednoho vyletu na tri. A ak naozaj chcete, vmestite tam este aj stvrty :)
Par obrazkov