What Quick Means to Me

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

The thought of wandering always excites me and keep me awake the whole night thinking of adventures and people I'll meet on the road.

Wednesday 7 February 2017

I hadn't sleep the whole night.

Perhaps I was excited with the thought of backpacking my way to the east and maybe more. I previously planned on seeing a friend who I really want to meet and talk face to face. But at this time it looked like the flight ticket was unfavorable.so,I rescheduled the plan and hoping after I take care of my school, I could travel overseas at ease.

I feel envious to others who have the freedom to travel anytime and able to work completely remote. Although, I am currently working remotely, the thought of school is still a baggage. I have yet to master the art of self discipline as there are days when I don't feel motivated to deliver my work, or when I find it hard to get things done.

Fast forward, It was 5 in the morning when I had a conversation with a friend. I lied on my bed the whole night thinking the train would depart at 8 am and I was never a morning person. It was the cheapest train I can find and depart very early which later on I regretted for taking that.

🚊The train from Central to East cost about 5.95$. It was an economic fast train and air conditioned plus clean enough for that rate. I've tried executive and business class, the difference was just the passenger that sits with you. I always think it's more fun to sit with people who I can talk with in a boring journey although I can't just simply pull out my laptop to work.

An hour before my departure, I was still talking to a friend about random things. I hadn't even packed my belongings and was still muddled just for a fucking backpack. In the end, I had to make choice and I went with my biggest backpack that was very inconvenient for my laptop.

I threw in a couple of t-shirt and a pair of jeans with one socks, even those little items were still heavy. I almost felt like a zombie walking through the train station. My eyes were so red and I barely stood up like a normal human being.

As I reached the train station, I rushed to the check in counter, pulled my passport and the ticket. I glanced the clock and it was only 7 am. I stood in the lobby like a lost puppy who were so anxious about missing the train.

As the train station was still empty, I felt rather calm. I don't like seeing people moving around in a chaotic way and trying to push others just to be the first to get into their destination. t gives me the impression to do everything quick. Heck, I even hate when someone say 'quick' because it sends signal to my brain that I have to do it at this moment and sometimes it can lead to a very reckless decision.

This is one of the thing about me, I lost quite a bit on trade due someone say ' QUICK, QUICK and QUICK'. It leads me to work faster than I use to but at cost being very reckless. Never ask me to rush thing and if I do a mistake in the process, it's at your own risk.

I was about to fall asleep in the waiting lounge couple of times. Even it was safe for me to have a quick nap, I still think that I'd miss the train. I convinced myself to stay awake and finally the train arrived a little bit later than the supposed schedule.

Everyone was rushing to get into the rain and It was as if everything has to be quick or you'd left behind. Practically, I didn't think it would happen, since there are officers who made sure every passenger on board. They're doing everything digitally and that's improvement also efficiency on their part.

The seating plan was face to face with two person in front of me and one person next to me. They were all male and I couldn't sit peacefully. I hugged my backpack even it was heavy, wore my cap and slept soundly. I didn't give a shit because I know it's very safe with this train and I won't get my belonging stolen.

A long journey had passed and I reached my adoptive parents hometown. As I got out of the rain station, there were couple of becak ( the Indonesian version of tuk-tuk) drivers offering their service. I was always scared with these guys because I heard stories of many travelers getting scammed.

It was raining and I had the thought of contacting another family to pick me up but then I saw couple of students were flocking to board on a public vehicle. I took a ride with them on a car that cost me 0.37$. It was almost pay what you want transportation as I saw an old guy got down from the vehicle without paying plus the driver wasn't even complaining when I handed 0.37$.

I got down from the vehicle and walked to the aisle to place I used to call home. The neighborhood was empty and the inhabitant are old people. On the way home, I saw a cat that I use to love and take care about five years are still alive. The cat, lives in our garage or sometimes sleep in our abandoned factory. It looks like she is currently having 3 kittens.

Also, my adoptive mom didn't know I was coming which I actually do intentionally. That's about it for today. I'll tell you about a financial advisor at the bank who tried to sell me investment plan in my next story. Stay tuned!

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yay for kitty cat! now Quick! write ur next post so I can read it! :P

I really like this simple but interesting journey and yes when we get excited we feel asleep and it happens when we are planning for any travelling, most of us do the same thing means moving early to the station to reach early, and yes when we travel alone, we tend to be bit careful because sometimes we feel lack of confidence on others. I really like those cats, those cats are really cute and adorable. Thanks for sharing this story with us.

Stay Blessed.

All I got from this is one extra pair of socks. You always need more than two, in case your feet get sweaty because you were running from the police all night. Also, sweaty feet means dogs will pick up on your scent easier. That's why I have a couple pairs of extra socks with me ALL THE TIME.

I also don't understand when people have to push others just to get in a train as if the train will leave them. Happens a lot here in Manila that's why I avoid the train haha.

Oh and I love cats!! <3

What skinny cat(((

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