How My Travel Experiences Helped Me Grow as an Individual

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Picture courtesy of Daria Shevtsova

" Didn't you read or watch the news? it's not safe to travel" said the lady from the laundry service I use to go.

La La Land was under constant attack lately. I can only assume that it meant to shatter the harmony which was built since ages. As a multi cultural, multi ethnic, and multi religion nation, the people have managed to live harmoniously for decades. Nevertheless, we've been tested couple of times and just about two weeks ago it happened once again. There has been an attack carried by a family towards a certain religion. It shattered the whole nation and for me personally as it happened in the place I used to grow up. I have relatives living in that region even friends which made me rather concerned. However, I was glad hearing them were safe.

I never understand what those people are trying to achieve by attacking innocent target.The attack towards the military institution and a certain religion in the country was truly devastating and horrid. Right after that moment, la la land citizen all over the social media voiced out their opinion that they're not afraid. They even started making videos even graphics showing that living harmoniously is attainable. Despite my love and hate towards la la land, I still respect it as my motherland. It is a very diverse place with hundred languages, customs, cultures, food and religion. One can never get enough of it and even a lifetime will never make someone truly understand the uniqueness and exploring its diversity.

Growing up in a conservative background, I was taught that there are certain people with unfavorable characteristics from certain places.And I developed some sort of stereotypes towards people from different places in La La Land. Little did I know, what I was taught was not always right.Despite living in a multi cultural and multi religion family, there are still stereotypes among its member. I am somehow grateful to be growing up differently than my siblings and other family members. I had a chance to go out of my bubble that made me met people from various places and background. I gained more understanding about people through my travel experiences, I have proved that stereotypes I've been taught was not always right. Even more, I got to learn another aspects from cultures that are different from mine. Most importantly,I can only advise people at my age to travel more and getting out of the bubble. We should start seeing people not where they come from and what colors they have. But simply as an individual and human being.

I got my understanding through travel but perhaps you will experience it differently. For sure, try to find ways to see people as an individual rather their labels. Even for me, the labels attached in my legal documents don't define me. I am a person that doesn't put myself into any religion but I was obliged to fill it for legal purpose. Despite of that, I am still human being capable of doing good and bad.

All in all, that was how travel helped me grow individually. I am very thankful for the people I met on the road that taught me cultures, customs, beliefs and how to live harmoniously despite our differences. We can do it, we can co-exist under the diversity as we've always been for decades.

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Growing up in a conservative background

I guess,because when you got out of your "un-comfort zone", you adsorb things fast that is why you got your understanding quicklier. And I hope the best to your Lala Land :) Peace.

@adam.tran thank you so much :) things are somewhat getting better despite when I turn on the news, it's still happening. I think if we want to experience something and looking for more perspective, we have to get out of our comfort zone.

Travelling is one of the best way to learn as an individual as you get to meet different people with different culture. Travelling is very interesting and fun

@saintopic, Couldn't agree more! Have you experienced something like that as well?

I thought that La La Land was a movie. I have not watched the movie. I also think that diverse values are important. I may have learned through music.

@yasu24, La La Land is how I refer the place I am living at the moment hehe !

I never traveled, I guess I am disturbingly underdeveloped. Runt of a personality, lol.

@aschatria, there are a lot cool places in nearby yours like Liberland xD

Dengan bertemu banyak orang kita bisa lebih menghargai kebudayaan orang itu. Happy travelling @macchiata

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