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RE: 36 hour LA Adventure – The Hollywood Sign Debacle

in #travel6 years ago

hahaha this post made me laugh, especially your map of intending drop spot versus actual drop spot lol

Years ago I was there and tried to drive to see how close we could make it to the iconic sign, but we were having Uber luck and ended up in Compton instead haha. Windows up, doors locked, no eye contact!

I've noticed many places in the States (Yes, I know this is a generalization and not intended to tick anyone off :), where simple greetings are non-existent. Brian and I sound like you guys...although it's not "g'day", but a similar "Hey" gets you nothing in a lot of places. Makes me wonder what's happened to common courtesy? Not to mention the Uber driver..geez!

Thanks for taking us on this crazy trip of yours! Again, like us, it's nice to see you guys just went with the flow! :)


We were having Uber luck and ended up in Compton...

Haha omg yes lock the doors and head down lol... I'm not sure if it is the whole of the US but all the places we visited seemed to lack the curiosity to respond when talked to them, a super odd experience coming from Oz. Well the west, I'm sure Melbourne and Sydney have super busy people too with no time respond but here we are pretty laid back, so going with the flow is a must. Im not always great with changes to my plans but when you have no choice but to suck it up, its no use letting the past ruin the future.

"but when you have no choice but to suck it up, its no use letting the past ruin the future."

So true...and I might add, no use letting it ruin the present too!

Even in Canada, the west Coast, Vancouver, is still a major city, but more friendly than Toronto for example. At least in my experience. It seems weird that "super busy people", success, and progress equates with less friendly and social. Something's been lost along the way I think.

No use letting it ruin the present too!

Exactly true! Yeah I think our East coast is probably way too busy to reply to people on the streets too lol. I hope I never get busy for that.

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