Why (most) Workaways are a complete scam..

in #travel7 years ago

As we have travelled we have used the website Workaway to have some experiences that were a bit different than your normal travel, and to try and save a bit of money on our journey. Some have been fantastic, and others not so much. We have also dealt with countless Workawayers (hosts and employers) while being guests in accommodations.

While at first we thought it was an incredible opportunity to save some money, and get to see a different side of a place that we are visiting, our opinions were quickly changed.

The first issue that we have with the program is that 'the trade' is only required to be for accommodation. Which would be fine, if the host didn't usually have the most cramped, dirty, and worst dorm room that they use for Workawayers. The other addition to this, is that with only accommodation covered you are on your own for food. Which is fine if you are in a major location, but lots of them are far-removed and you are forced to spend more money on food than you otherwise would have. Better yet, most wouldn't have a kitchen to even prepare some semblance of a meal in. That being said, most at least provide some sort of food trade involved in the Workaway arrangement, which was usually one meal a day. However, we have still found that we usually spend as much money at a Workaway than if we were just staying somewhere on our own, with no work trade involved.

The second issue that we have with the program is that some people base their entire business model on this essentially free labour. What that means is that they will have a staff of transient Workawayers with very few, if any, local workers. In a country like Nicaragua where the average person makes $8 a day, and the majority of the population makes less than $1 a day, this is absurd. Nicaragua encourages foreign investment hoping that their will be a trickle down effect to the people, however so many foreign business owners rely on Workaway for their labour force. Aside from the economic and social dilemma's addressed, there is a significant effect on the guest experience.

Some places that we have stayed have used the Workaway staff business model (unbeknownst to us prior to arriving). If you're staying in a hostel that is one thing, however we have seen it in hotels where you are paying $60 USD and up. People who are in a transient work staff position are not as well equipped to give travel advice, the sights of an area or even help you with a transaction at their business. Even the best Workaway volunteers are limited by this, you may be the most friendly and have the best customer service but are still limited by a lack of intimate knowledge of the area. Especially in a setting where people may have travelled a long way to get there and are spending a fair chunk of money this can be incredibly frustrating as a guest. We've also seen were volunteers end up running the business because the owner has never spent the time curating a portfolio of duties and responsibilities or weekly schedule. It is an unfortunate crosshair to see volunteers stuck in: they are suppose to act like they have the power, but are given none. And if there is a situation to be dealt with, where does the responsibility lie?

At the end of the day, we will likely still find some ways to use the site for us being conscious of what we discussed above. We also don't believe that the site is really at fault in this setting. We believe the burden of responsibility falls onto the businesses that operate on Workaway, and also in some respects the volunteers themselves.

Like we said, we will find some ways to use the site on our second half of this adventure in South America. Already we are noticing a great difference in Host profiles, as to their expectations (clearly stated) organization, and a fair trade in service (food and accommodation). We have our speculation why this could be, higher standard of living (Chile, Argentina). We'll go test our theory and get back to you #steemit community!

If we all are conscious of the effects that we are having around us, we will all be better travellers and likely leave the world a better place.

Love always,
AL + Ian


Thanks !Very interesting...

We thought so, and we hope it changes once we are in South America as we were initially very excited about the prospects of the program.

Thanks very much @steemalf, glad you enjoyed!

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