Why Italy is an amazing place! (with photos)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

There's something absolutely liberating about travel, If you're on vacation you pick a time frame, book the tickets and relax (albeit with bloody double digit flight times if flying over seas).

I have just had the pleasure of coming back from my second trip around Europe, and my favorite place is definitely Italy and in this article I will be explaining why!

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1.) Completely different landscape

I have been to many different places around Europe, Americas, Scandinavia, However no place that I have been to has yet been able to capture this sense of wonder just from the surrounding landscape and areas. From the cobblestone paves in Rome, the texture and vibrant color of grass in and around the Pompeii ruins, the fact that the Colosseum and the Forums are casually a part of a modern Italian world just makes for such a surreal experience and really adds to that unique and old timey feel (which in this case is brilliant especially for a relaxing holiday!).

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2.) It isn't so much of a 'concrete jungle'

Okay so this is kind of alluded to from before and sort of follows on from what has been previously said, but I cannot express the extent of how much Italy has such a beautiful and vibrant landscape, with trees, plants and grass being incorporated throughout the streets rather than off to the side as is the case with most first world countries, including my own (which is New Zealand).


3.) FOOD

Okay this has to probably be one of my favorite things, first of all most of the food places are hole in the wall, small little cafes or eateries which to me is one of the perfect things. In Rome you can buy Gelato from almost anywhere just walking down the street, which is especially perfect on a hot summers day! Most of you are probably saying what about the Pizza? Pizza - Absolutely phenomenal, if you've never had a real Italian pizza you should book some tickets right now because they have their reputation for a good reason, they're simple, elegant and tasty with margherita (Not usually my favorite) becoming my favorite Italian pizza. Pasta was to die for as well, I mainly have Lasagna as this is my favorite pasta but this time I decided to try all pastas Italy had to offer from Tortellini to Orzo and even Ravioli (Which I usually dislike), I found all of them to be absolutely delicious and most dishes I was served from restaurants were very simple and elegant which is what made them great.


4.) Culture

Unfortunately Italy gets a lot of flak (hate) in terms of tourism due to pick pockets and scammers and such like, during both visits (totaling just over 2 months) I had not encountered nearly as many pickpockets as I expected, in fact I only noticed 1 in Venice which is quite a hot spot regardless. Maybe it is because I am a very cautious person when it comes to my belongings and usually have my hands in my pockets at all times and tap them every few seconds, however I am usually good at reading people and situations and I had not seen anyone whom seemed suspicious or who was watching me.
I think a good trick for anyone who wants to go and this is a recommendation for all travelers and places is to make sure you look as least like a tourist as possible, this means no fanny packs or big cameras, when going out just bring the necessities, a wallet and your phone.

P.S. I did not spend a lot of time in Naples, but I was there for a few days in total and did notice that there are a lot of blackmarket dealers / scammers / pickpockets here, this is apparently the 'prime spot' for it, so if you stay in Italy I recommend staying in Rome

Everyone I encountered was incredibly helpful, a friend of mine sprained his ankle and had to get it on ice, we went to a local restaurant and even though we did not expect it, they brought out ice without us asking which was a real positive moment.
When looking for places, to asking for help and just in general talking with people, the Italians definitely have their culture down especially when it comes to tourists, I just wish that other countries (including my own) were a bit more inviting.

5.) Venice, Venice, Venice

This place is Italy but not Italy, it incorporates all of the good things I experienced about Italy, but then sprinkles some boats and living on a sinking island. I mean literally this place sinks in the winter by about 2-4m (5ft), it's literally like staying on Atlantis!
The views that you can get while renting a boat and driving around the different sub-islands of Venice are fantastic, especially when the sun is setting! They call Paris the 'city of live', but seriously if you want someone to fall in love with you, take them to Venice in the summer and rent a boat! That'll be sure to blow the knickers of her.


6.) History out the door

This will be a short section to wrap things up a little bit; Italy is amazing because in Pompeii, Rome, Milan and each city we have an incredible history (and sense of history) right at our feet, from the carving of the cobblestone pavement to the Colosseum, Roman forums and Pompeii ruins right smack-bang in the middle of town which is just incredible. You really do not see this kind of thing in most first world countries.

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There is plenty more I could say but rather than blab on I think I will end it here, Italy was an incredible experience both times I have been there, and I am seriously considering buying an apartment there for a permanent holiday home. If you guys like this post please make sure to hit that likety-like, and write a comment and let me know what you awesome people think! Follow me for more posts like this, gaming and financial and as always guys, until next time, stay beautiful! 🙂


The pizza is called margherita, and you should definitely head to other cities and villages as well =)

There are so many place to suggest I don't know where to start, but town and city wise I would recommend Siena, Lucca, Perugia, Bologna and Trieste!

Yes! I definitely need to spell check better next time, cheers :P, Oh yeah no I've been to most of those but If I included all of them it would be such a long article, I think the only place I haven't been that you listed would be Trieste. Siena and Lucca are absolutely beautiful though.
Next time I'll have to visit Trieste!

If you go there Piazza dell'Unità is one of the biggest squares by the seaside, plus it's so close to Slovenia some people speak the language. I find locals to be super calm and polite every time I go there.

That's pretty awesome! Yeah I will do that, add another unique experience to the massive number that Italy has to offer :)

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