Visiting the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa at the Square of Miracles - Italy (Photos + Videos)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


Pisa is a little town close to the sea located at the Toscany, Italy. It counts about ninty thousand inhabitants. Half of them are students as Pisa hosts two leading univerities in the country.

Back in the middle ages it was one of the four most important sailor towns in Italy together with Genua, Amalfi and Venice. It also was in competition with Florence, Siena and Lucca.

So as you can see I couldn´t miss this spot on my trip through Italy ;) - As I told you already one week ago on BeerSaturday, I stopped by at the Piazza dei Miracoli (Square of miracles) to see this famous sight.



Apart from the leaning tower it actually counts a few more beautiful buildings made out of marble: the Pisa Cathedral, the Pisa Baptistry, the Campanile, and the Camposanto Monumentale (Monumental Cemetery).

It also offers two museums: The Sinopias Museum and the Cathedral Museum. That is why the whole square was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.




It is a really crowded and touristy place to be honest. There are just two entrances to the main square and at both of them you will find a lot of people selling art, souvenirs or handcraft. It still has a good atmosphere though.

After all Pisa is still an antique italian city, so if you walk a little bit further, you will find those little alleys and good restaurants too. When I arrived I first had some pasta and went to the square afterwards.


I didn´t climb the top of the tower, because of time reasons, but obviousely I got some information for you ;)

Almost everybody told me that the leaning tower of Pisa (ital. torre pendente di Pisa) is the most famous leaning building on earth and the towns landmark.

It was planned as bell tower for the cathedral. They people of Pisa started constructing it in 1161. After they finished the third floor it started to lean southwards, so they took a break of a 100 years before they kept on building it.


For the next four floors they used a smaller angle trying to balance it out. After that they had another short break until the last part was finished in 1372 with 7 bells in it. Originally it was planned to built it up to 100 meters, but as it started to lean, they finished it with 54 meters.

Imagine that!! It took more than 200 years to finish that tower!! - That is a miracle already :D

The reason for it´s skew position is the ground. It turns out, that it was built on a ground made out of mud and sand. Scientists found out, that It is located on a spot, that used to be the edge of an Island right next to an harbour.

On the top of the tower you can find a pendulum, which shows that the tower is leaning about 4 grad to the right. It almost touches the walls, as the lowest part of the tower is really askew.

The first rock on the southside from the top is about four meters away (horizontal speaking) from the most sothern rock on the bottom. The tower counts seven bells which are not allowed to pull in order to keep the building stable :D

In my school our teachers even used this example for math exams:

Image Credit


In 1990 it got so dangerouse, that the tower had to be closed for tourists, because there was a high risk for it to fall.

It took another thirteen years to renovate it and and straighten it, putting weight at the opposite sight of the tower to make it sink a bit over there too. Apart from that they started digging wholes under it to speed that process up.

Now tourists are able to visit the top in groups of 40 persons for 15 minutes tops.

For me the most funny thing at this spot are the people though. Almost everybody wants a picture with the tower, so you can see a lot of people posing just in front of it.

If you are the first in line and look back it seems like they are crazy living statues :D




Here a short video to get a feeling for the atmosphere :D

Of course I took a few pictures myself using the most creative poses I´ve seen before.





I hope you liked that post and I am grateful for every Upvote, Resteem or Follow as you are supporting my world trip with it!

Cheers, Liz


Ich frag mich gerade, ob der Turm nicht schon längst umgefallen wäre, wenn nicht die große Anzahl an Besuchern ihn so tatkräftig in Gedanken stützen würden. :-)

hahha das hilft bestimmt :D

Sangat keren postingan dan gambarnya sangat menarik pokoknya bagus banget Very cool postings and pictures are very interesting really nice

Thanks my friend! :)

Beautiful photos

Thanks @kaith! Nice to have more girls around here! Thanks for stopping by.

great post. well done. I've been there and it is special and beautiful. I was not dissapointed.

Thanks, I am glad you liked it! Pisa is a great place to visit. It is a shame that most of the people just go there for the picture! That´s why I decided to give some background information too :)

I love how you hug the tower, splendid ;)) Great post full of interesting information and excellent shots. I enjoy with you the trip. Sometimes I think I am with you there ;))) Up

Thanks my friend :) I try my best to do a good job! Always nice to get such good feedback from you! Stay tuned, there is more coming soon hehe.

Ha Ha Ha! Tourists are crazy!!! Love the photo of you with the people on the background and the tower in your sunglasses.

Gracias amigo! Eso fue mi intención... si allí mismo se puede ver muy claro que hoy en día la sefie a veces es más importante que la visita en si... es una pena pero en ese caso super entretenido :D Que tengas una buena semana! Saludos a mi querido México!

Great pics. How fun. I'm sure you're having a lot of fun.

I really am! Thanks for stopping by :) Hope you are great and the heat is going down a bit in Playa. Let´s talk soon! Miss ya <3

Thanks for not taking a photo of you "holding it up" like everyone else.

Thanks for noticing it ;) I thought, that this pose is too boring to use it. Thanks for your great support by the way! I really appreciate you stopping by. - Keeps me motivated to write about my travels. Have a great rest of the week.

I loved the post Pisa is a wonderful place

Hey there! Great to have another traveller and photographer stopping by :) I am following you my friend! Thanks for your support I am glad you liked the post. There is more coming soon so stay tuned. Have a great week.

thank you i follow you to see more

Nice! You will not regret it :)

Hi Liz! I'm a friend of @maxy-hopkins, and he told me about your blog. I would love to connect with you on here, I've loved reading your posts so far :)

Hey there! Just wrote your introduceyourself post :) If you want I do a short one about you too to get you more attention :) search me on fb, maxy knows where. Welcome to the community! Let me know if I can do sth for you I am always happy to help. Don´t loose patience in the beginning and steem on! Hope to see you around my friend.

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