Trekking Machu Picchu - exploring the gem 探索秘魯馬丘比丘歷史古蹟!!

in #travel6 years ago (edited)
After camping for the first time forever in my life (I've never camped before 😅 ), and at the foot of the great Machu Picchu, the next morning we went back up to to Machu Picchu with our guide to explore this fascinating piece of history in detail. We walked a short distance back into nearby Aguas Calientes and queued up with all the other tourists who arrived by train to take the bus ride. The bus ride takes about 25 minutes zig zagging 6km up the mountain.

在馬丘比丘的腳下經歷我人生第一次野外露營之後(我從來沒有露營過😅),第二天早上,導遊帶我們再次回到馬丘比丘,詳細探索這個迷人的歷史古蹟。我們走了一小段路,回到附近的小鎮阿瓜斯卡連特斯(Aguas Calientes),和其他乘坐火車來的乘客排隊等候乘坐公車。從之字路慢慢上山的路程有6公里,大約需要25分鐘。mp301

Historians and archaeologists believes that Machu Picchu was built some time around the 14th century at the height of the Incan Empire. The Incan's built many of these sites high up in the mountain retreating further away from the Spanish who were invading Peru around that time. The Spaniards were not accustomed to the mountainous regions so they didn't get as far up the mountain as Machu Picchu and the other Incan sites we passed by during our trek. Therefore these gems were fortunately left undestroyed by the Spaniards allowing us to visit after all these years.


Machu Picchu was was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1983, and received 1.4 million visitors in 2016, peaking to 5000 people per day in the summer months. This is double the visitors recommended by UNESCO and puts immense pressure on this historical site. UNESCO threatened to add Machu Picchu to the list of world heritage sites in danger unless the Peruvian government started to control the flow of tourists. In July 2017, the Peruvian government implemented a new entry system. There will be two entry sessions a day, a morning one that starts at 0600 to noon limited to 3267 visitors, and an afternoon one that ends at 1730 limited to 2673 entrants. Although the new system distributes the visitors more evenly, in reality it actually increases the total number of visitors to nearly 6000 per day!


Machu Picchu is at 2430m ASL, and sits on a ridge between two two mountains. It is 32592 hectares big, to put it in perspective, one international rugby field is slightly over 1 hectare.


The site is built entirely out of stones some weighing up to 50 tons. There are about 200 structures on the site, and they are divided into an urban versus agricultural area, and an upper and lower town. It is clear that a lot of thought and planning was put into building this city by the Incans. All this is incredible as during the Inca period, there was no written language, no wheels (the boulders were transported either by man or llamas), no iron or steel (hence no strong durable tools to cut the stones), yet they managed to plan and build such a sophisticated city high up in the mountain that has lasted so many years.




Machu Picchu has around 700 terraces, when I first saw them I can only think of one word "Wow!!" These terraces serves two purposes. First, these stepped agricultural system enables different types of crops to be grown at different levels depending on how much sunlight and water is needed. Second, they prevent landslide. There is a well designed underground drainage system beneath the terraces that is still in use today. The terraces and the drainage system helps to stabilise the soil preventing landslide. Incredible, right?

馬丘比丘有大約700個梯田,我記得第一眼看到時真是令我嘆為觀止,當時的反應只能“哇!” 一聲。這些梯田其實有兩個作用。首先,可以根據各類型的農作物所需要的陽光和水份,安排種在不同層次的梯田上。其次,梯田可防止山泥傾瀉,梯田下有一整套設計完善,至今仍在使用的地下排水系統。梯田和排水系統有助於穩定土壤,防止滑坡。印加人在好幾百年前已懂得這個非常聰明的設計,真是不可思議噢!


As part of our trek and guided tour, we got a free T-shirt as a memorabilia. It has the route of our trek on the back, which came in really handy when I was writing this post! And here's us doing the promotional photo shoot for the company. Happy to oblige as we had such a great experience!



This concludes my Trekking Machu Picchu series. Thanks for reading, I hope you have enjoyed the virtual tour as much as I did actually going there.


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Awesome, for sure you will remember your first camping!

I was so tired that evening so crashed really early, but I remember waking up in the morning, coming out from the tent and looking upwards to the mountain, that I shall always remember.

Sounds great! I go camping a lot in Taiwan and I really love this feeling! Hope I ll get the chance to go the Machu Picchu someday =)

Wow, I didn't know that people can go camping in this historical place. Nice to know @livinguktaiwan.

I've watch some documentaries about this before. It's fascinating.


Thanks @joville. There was a field at the foot of the mountain so it wasn't actually part of the site, but its probably as close to it as you can get.

this is one of the Top places I want to visit! amazing pictures you have!

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... and yeah, I upvoted you :)

Thanks, I'll check it out!




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Love the view and the landscape of the hills 👍🏻

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