Chapter 5 American Expats in Costa Rica: When you have no one to talk to…. Are you forced to talk to your husband?

in #travel7 years ago

We are still at the beginning of our adjustment to moving to a new country, not speaking the language, and adjusting our marriage accordingly.

Roger and I have the usual marriage. I talk, he ignores. One of my favorite expressions when I get no response “please just grunt” so I know you heard me. This talking pattern always worked for us because I could surround myself with other “like” people (other talkers).

So here we are in Costa Rica, a year in self-imposed exile, knowing almost no one. And who do I have to look forward to talking with every day, yep Roger. He has never been a conversationalist and if I am honest, I prefer being the one that directs the conversations (even if they are one sided).

Already I can see myself searching out people to talk to. We happen to be in the Central Market (pictures to follow) and these 2 men were looking at wooden coasters. One said how much is 10,000 colones. Before his partner could open his mouth, I said $20. Then I started talking about the price of goods in Costa Rica as they looked at the very strange woman standing before them.

So when Roger and I sit down to have wine on the balcony every evening, the topic of conversation tends to be…the traffic below us, (the conversation usually goes..."omg did you see that" with me talking). You should be able to see the video by clicking on it, sorry technically challenged.,ipbits,expire,id,itag,source,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl,ei,susci,mime,lmt&signature=575687812FAE9C584F40C98C6040D38E3C7CF2EC.8487FF44154D02C321EA8ECEC7A69DD02004725C&key=ck2&cpn=SL4bpWNRrwtaOOqk&c=WEB&cver=1.20170727
Feel free to read my previous posts on moving to Costa Rica

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4


You are brave to relocate to another country, not knowing many people!

Thank was quite the adventure. At least now we can speak a bit of Spanish.

You must be quick to learn languages! Me not so good.

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