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RE: 'Fearnography' (FEAR PORN!) An Open Letter to the Press!

in #travel7 years ago

I climbed Rinjani in 1994 while Anak Rinjani ( the small one in the caldera) was erupting! Of course it was forbidden, so we sneaked through the park gates before dawn, so no guards yet. Camping on the crater rim, having the ground shake under you with every eruption, kilometer high fountains of fire and ash, what an experience! Not many sights in life do beat this beauty.


Wow, you do like to live on the edge ;) I have climbed a couple of active volcanoes before but am not too interested in going near this one from the local's recollection of the last time it popped off! It's possible I may be able to get some drone footage though, so should be interesting to see from that perspective. I also am calmed to hear that they've evacuated those in the area of impact which was a huge fear!
Where are your pictures? I would love to see that!

When I started on my 5 years trip in 92 I decided against taking a camera, because I did not want to have the camera between me and the moment. So my pictures are in my head.

Darn, I need to figure out how to get inside of it, so I can see them too ;)

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