Travel with me to one of the New Seven Wonders of the World—Machu Picchu, Peru跟我一起去世界新七大奇迹的秘鲁马丘比丘

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


Yesterday, I read the post of @czechglobalhosts, he pointed his friend @intrepidphotos ‘s photo of Machu Picchu. It reminds me of my trip to Machu Picchu two years ago.

Machu Picchu is one of the new seven wonders of the world, as a Inca empire ruins from famous former Peruvian Columbus period. The ruins stand at an altitude of 2350-2350 m ridge, and surrounded by many mountains. Due to the hidden location and it’s difficulty to arrival, it was unknown until 1911.

According to a the survey, Machu picchu was similar to the imperial gardens in ancient China, and is a place of cultivation for the nobility. And I think it could also be an excellent military base, or a place for refuge.

昨天看到了@推荐的马丘比丘的照片想起了我的马丘比丘之旅。 马丘比丘是世界新七大奇迹之一,是秘鲁一个著名的前哥伦布时期时印加帝国的遗迹,整个遗址高耸在海拔2350—2430米的山脊上,由于地理位置隐蔽,被群山峻岭重重包围,很少有人会抵达至此,所以直到1911年才被外界所知。 据说马丘比丘是类似于中国古代的皇家园林,是作为贵族的修养场所。但我觉得这同时也是极佳的军事基地,或者避难场所。


You can choose a 4-day Inca trekking tour or take a minibus in Cusco. We could only choose to take the bus because of the limited travel time, but I hope one day we can go back and make the hiking trail there. I heard that the Inca hiking trail is stunning because the elevation drop from up to down is over a kilometer, so the scenery changing along the whole way.

The minibus took us about seven hours to get the Machu Picchu, all the way along the extremely winding mountain road. I got totally sick, and the other girl in the car had vomited seven times.

The minibus stopped on a hiking point which going to Aguas Caliente. You can choose the train to Aguas calientes or go on foot. We chose to go on foot, because the hike was just about two hours.

从库斯科抵达马丘比丘可以选择四天的印加徒步,也可以选择坐迷你巴士前往。我们当时由于旅行时间有限只能选择乘坐巴士,但我希望有一天可以重走徒步路线。所有走过印加徒步路线的都为之震撼,因为海拔落差极大,途中风景变化无穷。 乘坐迷你巴士大概需要七个小时,沿途都是狭窄山路,我晕车吐的天昏地暗,同车的另一个女生连吐了七次,真是心疼她。 迷你巴士会停在前往热水镇的徒步集中地,那里也有火车直接抵达热水镇。但我们选择了徒步前往,因为徒步大概也就两个小时,但由于处于热情丛林,天气燥热,徒步起来会有些辛苦。





The next morning we got up at about 4:00 in the morning and arrived at the foot of Machu Picchu, because it was open to accept visitors at 6:00 in the morning. When we were there around 4:00am, there were already a lot of people waiting in line, everyone wanted to see the first ray of sunshine shining on machu picchu.
Machu picchu is huge and it is completely made out of stone, each of stone which is seamlessly and stable connected, even we modern people can hardly do that.
It reminds me the movie “The motorcycle diaries”, Che Guevara stroked each stone and said, "how can I miss a world that I have never been to? "If that haven’t happened, what would America be like now?"
Latin America is my favorite travel destination, and I will travel to Latin America in May this year. Can’t wait!

第二天早上我们在凌晨四点左右起床抵达马丘比丘山脚下,因为早上六点正式开门接受游客,我们四点多到的时候已经有很多人在排队等待了,大家为的都是能看到第一缕阳光照在马丘比丘。 马丘比丘建筑群庞大且完整,以巨石构造,每个巨石均无缝连接,就连现代人都很难做到这一点。 想起电影《摩托车日记》里切格瓦拉在人迹寥寥的马丘比丘,抚摸着每一块石头说,“怎么会对一个未曾去过的世界感到怀念呢。““如果事情不是那样的话,美洲现在会是什么样子呢?” 拉丁美洲是我最热爱的旅行目的地,今年五月我会再去拉丁美洲旅行的,非常期待。



Thank you for reading!❤️


So sorry for the girl who vomited 7 times. However, your travel was fantastic. I followed you for more amazing posts.

Thank you for following!

You are always welcome @liflorence

Machu Picchu is on my list for a long time already, this post only wants me to go more

Machu Picchu is a travel destination where must to go, if you will go there one day, I highly recommend the four days inca trekking tour

看你的文章已不知現在是夏天還是冬天 XD


I'm fascinated by Macchu Picchu and I would love to travel there. I would also like to tour other Inca and Mayan ruins to learn more about these people.

Me too, these places attract me a lot!




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