in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Yes, I went to an island hopping in Burias Masbate and Alibijaban in San Andres Quezon for only P1,999 and I've visited 5 islands in two days. It's quite cheap right? Of course and it was ALL IN, meaning the food, tents, environmental and boat fees are included already. Well you just need to pay additional P800.00 for the transportation but if you live near the location then you can meet them at San Andres Port in Quezon Province.

Here is the website where we get the tour package https://www.bakasyonista.com. Check also their fb page by clicking this link https://www.facebook.com/bakasyonista.com.ph/ . Below are the detailed package and informations.

prices may changed depending in seasons


1-- Island hopping
Animasola Island
Tinalisayan Island
Sombrero Island
Dapa Island
Alibijaban Island

2-- 2 Meals (Dinner Day 1 and Breakfast Day 2)
3-- Entrance Fee for all islands
4-- Environmental Fee
5-- Camping Fee
6-- Tent Accommodation
7-- Boat transfers


1-- Meals for the 1st day breakfast and 1st day packed lunch (You can buy at the port or in the island, please ask the Tour Coordinator or the van driver)
2-- Land Transfer - Optional (additional P800 for the round trip land transpo for People who are coming from Manila)


Day 1
21:00- meet up in Cubao
22:00- ETD going to San Andres Port, Quezon Province (travel time almost 8 hours from Manila)
07:00- ETA San Andres Port/ Breakfast
08:00- ETD to Burias Island
10:00- Island hopping begins
11:00- Animasola Island (explore/pictorial/swimming)
12:00- Travel to Tinalisayan Island
13:00- Tinalisayan Island (explore/pictorial/swimming)
14:00- Travel to Dapa Island
15:00- Sombrero Island (pitch tent/explore/pictorial/swimming)
17:00- Dinner and Socials
21:00- Lights out

Day 2
06:00- Wake up call
07:00- Breakfast
08:00- Break camp
09:00- Travel to Sombrero Island
10:00- Dapa Island (explore/pictorial)
11:00- Travel to Alibijaban
13:00- Alibijaban Island (explore/pictorial/swimming)
14:00- Back to San Andres Port Quezon (late lunch/pack-out)
15:00- ETD to San Andres Port Quezon
23:00- ETA to Manila

Things to bring
Bottled water (at least 2 liters)
Snacks (bread, candies and chips)
Sun block
Sun glass
Several swim suits
Skin moisturizer
Water camera
Water proof bag or pouch for mobile phone
Tripod (optional)
Jacket or shawl (for skin cover at night)
Pocket money


This is not the first time I went to places that I haven't been before but this is my first time I go out of town with my old friend which happens to be also my daughter's godmother. Her name is Hanna and this is her first time going out of town (she have strict parents ^_^) but I made her convince to come with me aside from its cheap this is the only opportunity we had since I was just here in the Philippines for a short vacation.

This is Hanna. She's my friend since first year college and we are happy to survive our 14 years of friendship.

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Location: San Andres Port, Quezon Province

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the boat we are going to use for two days, small but terrible

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our team! Its really nice meeting new people and creating new friendship with the same goals....travel!

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heading to the first island, thank you Lord for a good weather

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first stop-- Animasola Island

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Hanna is not really into outdoor activities, she's not into sunlight that's why I was all alone exploring the island. Animasola is a distinct islet which is part of Burias Island situated in a small town of San Pascual. Though it is detached to Masbate's mainland, the journey going there is quite tough and will take hours but its all worth it. You can explore the whole island in just 30 minutes. The stone structures are fascinating which makes you to grab a photos in each side of the island.

second stop-- Tinalisayan Island

photo credit to Mark Anthony Togonon


photo credit to Tripadvisor

Tinalisayan island.jpg
photo credit to https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=tinalisayan+island&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqvvTE0e3VAhVBI1AKHXAFD68Q_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=638#imgrc=ckbb-W7Z56chwM:

The above photos were just grab from the internet because I did not have a chance to take photos of the whole island. The sun is a little bit heavy to my skin so I did had a quick explore of the island. Below photos are mine and this area was my favorite because it's not crowded and I got the chance to remove my tops and wear my swimsuits while swimming haha!

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Just like Animasola Island, Tinalisayan Island is an islet of Burias Island from the small town of San Pascual, Masbate. You can explore the whole island in less than 20 minutes. Unlike Animasola Island, the beach slope are more deeper thus the water. The waves are little bit strong so better be careful while swimming around the shore.

third stop-- Sombrero Island

The waves are getting stronger but our boat can handle hit. Water splash everywhere and it was fun. I really hope to find a dolphins but we are not so lucky that day. I did not had the chance to sat at the tip of the boat to have instagramable picture haha! I might fell if I did.
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group photos. Glad to have companions like the four single ladies at our back. The others are couples so its okay ^_^

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It is the most popular island in Burias because of its name "Sombrero " that looks like a hat.

photo credit to Forest Puppet Boy

We started to pitch our tent after arriving in Sombrero Island and settle a little bit to make rest. A lot of campers and from different places are here. It is crowded but the place is still awesome. There are also nipa huts to be rented but I don't know the pricing. I heard its quite expensive, well no doubt, because all items in that island are expensive haha! So better bring everything, food, water, snacks, cigarette, candy, shampoo, soap, etc. as in everything!
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So this is our tent, "all the single ladies" are gathered so we can have some small talk before we call-off the night.
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I did not had the opportunity to took photos of our dinner... We are so starving haha! Galit-galit ang peg naming lahat when we eat. The foods are great its a combination of fish, grilled meat, sauteed vegetables, shrimp and squid. Take note, unlimited rice and ulam. Heavy dinner it is!

This is our second day in Burias and we're all eating our breakfast. After this we are heading for two islands-- Dapa and Alibijaban.
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fourth stop-- Dapa Island


photo credit to https://www.google.com.ph/search?biw=1366&bih=589&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=dapa+island&oq=dapa+island&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i67k1j0j0i24k1.1683565.1687377.0.1687500.

It is also called as "Snake Island" as it was inhabited by a sea snakes. Don't worry, those snakes ar not venomous according to them. The most incredible in this island are the scattered sea shell in the shore. If you are a stone collector or sea shell collector, I bet you will find a beautiful one here. The water is also incredible, very pristine and clear.
photo credit to Blue Dreamer 2 Zoom

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It is also popular for cliff diving. When we arrived there, a lot of tourist fall-inline to try it. We? Nope. Scared of heights and in open sea.

our last stop and the most favorite island-- Alibijaban Island




Among the four island, this is the most island I've enjoyed a lot. The water, the sand bar, the view, the mangroves, its heaven to me! I am happy that we able to see the sand bar though its about to fade, and there is a bonus.... a starfish which is perfect for my instagram photos!

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I am happy that these wonderful places has been witnessed by my own eyes. I am happy that I had the chance to go out and explore, to learn and discover new things. I am excited to take my next trip and I can't wait to share it with you guys.

I hope this blog of mine gives you enough ideas on how to do your Burias and Alibijaban trip. come on guys! Go out and don't miss this things. These are lifetime experience you can never forget.


There are also some travel and tour agencies that has cheap packages to choose from. Just make sure to check if its legit so you won't be in trouble or scammed. Check their website, location and contact numbers. Ask for reviews or recommendation instead. Read blog as well so you'll have ideas about the places you'll visit.

Also if you are a first time traveler, please consider my blog entitled 8 Major Tips for a First-Time Traveler, see the link below.






Awesome! Sana makapunta din ako dyan!

You will @shellany just plan yout trip ahead of time hahaha enjoy☺️👌🏻

Wow! Whoa! How I wish I'll have my vacation like you!

Hahaha kuya @iwrite go go go na! Relax din pag may time... make it happen asap😘😋

Awesome travel blog!

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Sure😍😍😍😍 followed done!

Ang ganda namn po jan... magkano po ang budget? para po sa next vacation ko punta kame jan ni misis... nice photos..

Hehe salamat! Nakuha namin yung package for only P1,999 lang depende kase sa season. Nung nakuha namin yan papasok pa lang ang holy week kaya nd pa sobrang crowded. Hanap ka ng package na hindi in season pra less cheaper at hindi matao. Hirap kase kapag madaming tao 😁😉

Very sulit trip! So nice. :)

hahaha late reply ulit, anyway thank you! =)

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