Nomads slaughter Animals for Us - Life in Mongolia!

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


Hey Guys, Mongolia is not the Top 10 Countries people want to visit. But I wanted! The more unusual the more exciting.
So I asked a Mongol family if they would like to travel with me through Mongolia.How will I feel to be part of another culture?
I can not answer this question until I have tried it myself. I traveled with a whole family and some kids. Our goal is to go out to the countryside and visit Mongolians in the yurt!

Our Mini Fan. Almost ready for road trip ...

...Ready for Wild Mongolia

Ulan Baator

We drove from capital City Ulan - Baator. I am honest I don`t like their capital. Too dirty, too dusty and smog everywhere. Ulan Baator is the coldest capital City in the world in winter.

Mongolia has just ca 2,9 Mio citizens. I think there are more horses than people living over there. A = 1.566.000 km²

First Goal is to visit a random nomad family

Passing by a Mongol Yurt

Kids are trolling around in the car. Seat belts are not necessary. In Germany you would get a fine for that


Me, Mongol Kid Yangoul and my travel mate Petra

Mongolian Road

Their roads are not the best, people are driving very slow and have almost no accidents. That is a pretty cool thing. 90 % of the cars have no mirror. When cars are overtaking each other, they start honking loudly. It was getting dark and it is way too dangerous too drive at night (too bad streets, wholes and animals on the street, bad lights or even no lights at cars). We decided to take a rest in a hostel. It was a pretty interesting hostel. No toilet, no shower, just a wood bed and a small restaurant with typical Mongolian food.

In the video I am talking about the hostel. I was pretty tired and just described the conditions in this hostel. If you want to go to the loo you have to go out and pee outside. Some spooky flies are flying around over there. In the middle of the video you can see the first visit to the nomads at home.

At the hostel I tried to order something vegetarian. But I can t speak Mongolian Language. I get a meat meal :D

We just yelled in front of their Yurt if we could come in

People were very friendly, invited us for a dish and some drinks (drink was horse milk with vodka). They began to slaughter a lamb for us. It was a pleasure to be with them.

A nomad family have usually 2 Yurts

One Yurt is the kitchen and the other Yurt is the living and sleeping room. Ca 10 til 15 people are living in such Yurts. Not to imagine for western people. No privacy, no electricity, just solar panels (pretty environment friendly) , just a litte room and much work on the country side to survive.


Some snacks

Tv powered by solar :)

Some goat head are laying around in their living room :P It was pretty strange but all right :D

High Heels, but where is the next party?


I hope you enjoyed! Big Hug Lena <3 <3


Wow...I traveled many times to Inner Mongolia, but it looks different. I think maybe because it belongs to China...
Thank you for an interesting post.
If you are interested you can check out my posts about Inner Mongolia

cool, thanks, It was in the north of Mongolia

Hahaha, nice adventure, Maybe is strange for us that living condicions, but they are happy in that way, and don't fuck the Earth... We can lear from them a lot. Nice pics!

yes I agree , seriously people were smiling from the morning til the evening and were happy and soooo kind , thanks for your feedback :)

Thank you for sharing.
interesting and amazing

Thank you very much !!

What a very beautiful experience you had ! Life in its simplest way. That's so wonderful you could be immerged in their culture and tradition. Have a beautiful sunny day, lena !

Thank you very much for your warm feedback !!! good night !!

Sehr schöne Travelstory. Thanks for this insights :-)

Dankeschön :)

Nice photos
Great Post
Have a great and sunny sunday

thank you very much !! I wish you a sunny day too :)

Hope to have your support and upvote...

Seat belts are not necessary.

Bah, that's such an unnecessary risk. When I'm in traffic I don't think "its fine I'm a good driver", I think "I should be prepared that at any point someone else can screw up."

I know a friend who hasn't used his seat-belt in years. T_T

yes I was pretty scared to have no seat belt on me but people are not thinking that far :O

nice post its all about spending time with your kids
if you care for your kids please please see my post (the video is a must see )

What a great adventure!! Thanks for sharing Lena!!

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