Letters from a traveler #02 (spanish version at the bottom)

in #travel7 years ago

This is one of my favorite photos, Uyuni with a group of traveler friends...

Good and holy mornings! ...holy things are kind of boring... aren't they? 

Starting from where I left before... We were on our way to Purmamarca in a bus destined to Tilcara because there is no bus to Purmamarca... So we got off the bus in the middle of the road and started walking on a steep road for 3 km to get there... Obviously to keep the good luck strike we were in, it was no more than 200 meters before we got picked up by a guy with an old ford pick up truck...
Purmamarca is a beautiful tiny village, no more than 4 x 6 blocks. Very Touristic, construction, ferias, little bars...


Everything nice and prepared for the tourists... The 7 colours hill, personally, was not as nice as I expected... I think from the high season ‘till now it lost it’s colours... It needed to get new painting... (just joking, the colours are natural).


Next day we got back out to the road to catch the passing bus going to San Pedro de Atacama, This bus cost me more than everybody else because there's a tax for Argentinians to leave the country!!! Mother F...


Very nice road, crossing the border through the clouds and the snow and then the Atacama desert...


Atacama... Amazing, huge!!! Such an awesome place, filled with things to see all around. It’s a place where you would spend money without realizing how but it’s totally worth it.


7 of us rented a pretty comfortable shared room for 5 days and did a bunch of tours. We saw geisers, the death valley, some highland lagoons, and an extremely salty lake where you float so much that you can sit and read the news with half of your body out of the water (just as in the Dead Sea).





We did sandboarding and we saw almost the whole desert from the top of the Coyote Rock - one of the best, if not THE best sunset I've ever seen.





The town walls are almost all made from mud, hostels, bars, tourism agencies, good night vibes for those who are looking to party and also for relaxing and spiritual searching.

I think if this would have been the end of my trip instead of the beginning I would have got a job and stayed for some time.

To get out from Atacama can be a little tricky, we asked around about how to get from Atacama to Uyuni, Bolivia, and they told us we needed to go to Calama in a bus, stay there for the night and the next day take a bus at 6am to Uyuni... Anyway, we did that, or at least we tried. When we got to Calama, a pretty ugly town, we found out that the bus that was supposed to go next day was broken and the following day there was no buses so we needed to stay for 3 nights in the most ugly town I have ever been in... Fuck that!!! We would never stay for 3 days there... So, we walk around asking for vans, taxis, camels, anything that can take us to Uyuni... but nothing, nobody could take us. Finally someone told us about an agency in San Pedro that can do the trip so… back to San Pedro.
Atacama welcome us with really nice energy after the disgusting Calama border style town... We spent another night there and next morning to Uyuni! 

You should know, if you ever cross from Chile to Bolivia through this border, bring a lot of clothes. The border is at 5000 meters high in the mountain and you’re gonna get every inch of your body frozen...

From the border to Uyuni we did it on a 4x4 truck, the “road” almost nonexistent for most of the way. It was beautiful but if you don't have a 4x4 just, don't try... you're not gonna make it.



Anyway, finally Uyuni! I'm not sure how the rest of Bolivia looks like but Uyuni is not so attractive. We stayed there just enough to do the “need to do” tour to the biggest salt flat in the whole world...




That was actually amazing, it makes the whole thing worth doing it... We visited the salt hotel, not a big deal but interesting. Then we went to an “island” in the middle of the salt and climbed all the way to the top... 360° view...


Pretty “strong”, you NEED sunglasses... so much light reflected from all that white...


I doubt we were the first doing it, but we took a tequila bottle and a few limes to do shots with the salt from the place 

Anyway, back to the hotel for the night and now I’m on another bus on the way to Sucre, still with the two french girls, the Italian guy and Mati, the other Argentinean who’s starting today his way back home.

I hope we find a hostel with “good” internet connection, otherwise you gonna read this when I’m already in Peru!

So, take care, have fun, I’m out of ideas, need a nap... 


Original Text and Photos

PS: Atacama has one of the best night skyes in the world :)


Mail 2 desde sucre, bolivia:

Buenas y no tan santas.... Que aburrida la santidad.... No? :)

Retomando desde donde estaba... Salimos para Purmamarca en un bus con destino tilcara porque a Purmamarca no había uno directo así que bajamos en la ruta y arrancamos a caminar 3km en subida los 4 que veníamos en el bus... Obviamente para seguir con la buena suerte que suele llegar, no habíamos caminado ni 200 metros cuando paro una camioneta y nos llevó hasta el pueblo :) Purmamarca es muy lindo, un pueblito mínimo que tendrá no más de 4 x 6 cuadras. Muy turístico, construcción, feria, barcitos, todo bello y cuidado para el turista... El cerro de siete colores, personalmente no me provocó nada... Creó que ya desde la temporada alta a hoy se destiño!
Al día siguiente salimos a la ruta a interceptar el bus a san Pedro de atacama, este bus me costo a mi más que a los extranjeros porque hay un impuesto por salir del país... :s
Muy lindo el camino, el cruce de la cordillera, entre las nubes y el nevada y después salir al desierto de atacama...
Atacama... Imponente!!! Zarpado lugar con muchas cosas para ver en los alrededores, es un gastadero de plata pero valle la pena. Nos quedamos ahí 7 compañeros de viaje juntos en una habitación para nosotros bastante cómodos como 5 días e hicimos unis cuantos tours... vimos géisers, valle de la muerte, lagunas altiplanicas, laguna salada en la que flotas como en el mar muerto, hicimos sandboard y vimos el desierto casi completo desde la roca del coyote, uno de los mejores sino el mejor atardecer que haya visto...
El pueblo tiene casi todo paredes de barro, hostels, bares, agencias de turismo, buena noche para quienes buscan joda y relax y espiritualismo para quienes buscan eso...
Creo que si hubiera sido el fin de mi viaje me ponía a buscar trabajo por ahí.
Salir de atacama puede resultar difícil, nosotros averiguamos como ir de san Pedro a uyuni bolivia y nos dijeron que había que ir hasta Calama en un bus, pasar la noche ahí y al día siguiente 6am bus a uyuni... En fin, hicimos eso, o al menos eso intentamos. Cuando llegamos a Calama, una ciudad horrible, nos encontramos con que el bus que salía al día siguiente estaba roto y el sábado no hacia buses así que teníamos que quedarnos 3 noches en la ciudad más fea que conocí hasta ahora... Ta, ni en pedo nos quedábamos así que averiguamos camionetas, taxis, camellos, lo que sea, y nada, nadie nos podía llevar. Finalmente alguien nos comentó de una agencia en dan predio de atacama que hacia ese viaje así que vuelta para atrás... Atacama nos recibió con buena energía después de esa asquerosa ciudad al estilo once. Pasados la noche ahí y al dos siguiente bien tempranito para bolivia...
Sepan que si alguna vez cruzan para bolivia por ahí tienen que llevar muuucho abrigo porque la frontera esta como a 5000 metros de altura y se te congela todo...
Desde la frontera hasta uyuni nos pasamos a una camioneta 4x4, el "camino" casi que no existe en algunas partes, muy lindo pero si no es con ese tipo de vehículos no llegas!
En fin, uyuni finalmente, ni se como será el resto de bolivia pero uyuni no es muy atractivo, solo nos quedamos un dos para ir a su única atracción... El salar de uyuni!!! Zarpado! Creó que es el más grande del mundo, no se, lo importante es que valle la pena.... Vimos el hotel de sal, no es la gran cosa pero ya, interesante. Después fuimos a una isla en medio del saldar y subimos hasta su punto más alto... Vista de 360° del salar... Bastante "fuerte". hay que usar anteojos oscuros si o si... Mucha luz reflejada de todo ese blanco... No creo que hayamos sido los primeros pero nos llevamos una botella de tequila y unos limoncitos :)
En fin, volvimos al hospedaje pasamos la noche y ahora estoy en el bus camino a sucre aún con las dos francesas, el tano y mati, el porteño que hoy mismo arranca la vuelta para argentina...
Espero que encontremos algún Hostel con internet más o menos a buen precio, sino esto lo van a leer cuando este ya en Perú!

Bueno, se me cuidan, se me divierten, se me quedó sin ideas la mente... :)




What a wonderful trip you are doing, the photos are spectacular, I have never traveled to Bolivia, thank you for showing me a bit of that.
Let the adventures continue.

I hope you like the next one... I have been traveling for 4 years and have a lot of photos and stories to share :)

Wou, you are my idol ... did you travel through Colombia?, I live in the south of Colombia :)

Estuve en taganga por 8 meses haciendo cursos de buceo y trabajando en un hostel :)

Woah, what an awesome travel experience!!! Thanks for taking us along for the ride. :)

You're welcome, it's my pleasure... :)

Good photos. Seems like you had a lot of fun :)

Yes I did... and I do... :)

I was in these places too... way way back!! Nice post Lucian, hope you are well xxxx

Thanks! i have a some other emails to translate and post from the rest of my 4 years trip :)

that was quite the karate kick. i like this style of post!

You gonna enjoy at least 18 more posts like this one... i've been traveling about 4 years already... I just need to translate other mails and get my old photos :)

I love stuff like this, to clearly put a lot of time into it— thanks for that! Thank you and keep them coming :)

Thank you bro!
Im gonna keep sharing my traveler letters... I have been traveling for 4 years now... :)

I love pretty much everything about this post. Amazing pictures!!! I suppose it's easy in such an amazing place, but you clearly are a very talented photographer. I love the selfie stick in the water, btw. ;)

Thanks! I'm gonna share my 3rd traveling letter soon :)

Wow. This is good! Looks like you had so much fun!

I did, and I still do... going for my 5 year traveling :)

Okay dear. All the best and enjoy!

How amazing is Uyuni !

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