World Championship "BATTLE OF THE NATIONS 2019" - Medieval tournament in Smederevo Fortress

in #travel5 years ago (edited)

Smederevo is a fantastic place these days. The whole town hosts knights from five continents! A World Championship in historical medieval battles “Battle of the Nations” is held in the Smederevo fortress. I am very excited and happy to be able to see the true knightly struggles and feel the spirit of the Middle Ages in one of the largest fortresses in Europe, on which fortress we, the citizens of Smederevo, are very proud!


The Battle of the Nations is an international historical medieval battles world championship. It has been held since 2009, when it was first organized in Ukraine. This World Championship is also organized in Barcelona, Prague, Trogir, Rome, Warsaw and Gard. That's why I am very happy that Smederevo is on that list too.

Knights are competing in many categories: "Duel Sword and Shield", fights 1 vs 1, "Duel Sword and Buckler", fights 1 vs 1; "Duel Longsword", fights 1 vs 1; "Duel Poleaxe", fights 1 vs 1, "Triathlon Duel", fights 1 vs 1, "Professional fight", fights 1 vs 1, "Five vs five" the group battles "5 vs 5", Thirty vs thirty”, a mass battle "30 vs 30", Twelve vs twelve”, a mass battle "12 vs 12" and the largest mass battles "All vs all". Tomorrow will be the most massive struggle 150vs150.

I did not mention that in all these categories women's knights are also fighting. They are skillful, strong, and brave!





The battles are very heavy, rough and tense! Knights use medieval weapons and forcefully hit their opponent , so there are also injured. Their shells are weighing over 30 kilograms and the fight is not easy at all. Today I listened to one of the participants, who said that last year a knight measured the temperature below the armor of 80 degrees Celsius.


When you enter the fortress next to many stages there is also a camp, where a medieval fair is organized, a children's arcade tournament, many workshops and musical performances. The spirit of the Middle Ages feels on many levels. I felt that I was in 1431. The "Battle of the nations" has given me a thrilling journey through time.




The Smederevo Fortress is a fantastic place in these days where knights around the world carry the flags of their countries and fight in difficult battles. Come and feel magic. Tomorrow is the last and most interesting day. Smederevo is waiting for you!



Феноменална репортажа, @ladysnowhite! Ја сам јуче оклевао да одем до Тврђаве јер је стално деловало као да ће сваки час почети да пада киша, али срећом ти си била тамо :)

Hvala @lighteye! Idi danas obavezno, mnogo je zanimljivo. Jedino što sam se iznenadila koliko su borbe surove, baš se lemaju sekirama i mačevima, čak i žene :)

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