Toolik Field Station, Alaska 2017. Part 2: Fairbanks/ Dalton Highway

in #travel7 years ago

June 7, 2017

Entering Fairbanks International Airport

In to Alaska // Out for the Summer

After bussing to Boston and flying through Minneapolis Airport (which actually looked really nice, wish I had more than a 30 minute layover), I arrived in Fairbanks, AK at 8PM. On the plane, I was surprised to find that the woman sitting next to me on the plane was also heading up to Toolik for the summer. We shared the sentiment of utter excitement. We were greeted at the airport by the lab technician for whom I'd be working while at TFS.

For the first time in a long while, I went to bed hours before the sun set. After spending the night in a dorm at University of Alaska Fairbanks, the project's lab technician, myself, and another research assistant went to town to stock up for the summer. We picked up coffee, fishing licenses, and some extra socks, but most importantly we made a booze run to last the entire summer.

Seen alongside the Yukon River

Riding the Dalton // Yukon-Koyuktuk

Once we were fully prepared, the crew embarked on our 350 mile drive.
Our destination: Toolik Field Station

Through the vast majority of the 9 hour trip Dalton Highway, our view changed between this:


and this

The paved roads gave way to dirt seemingly randomly. While we mostly travelled alone, we encountered a few other travelers and many truckers. Besides the scattering of scientists headed to Toolik Field Station, the Dalton highway is home only to the oil truckers, driving to and fro the Prudhoe Bay oil fields.

Along the road, we passed a few notable sites...

The Yukon River, the third longest river in the U.S. (1,979 Miles), only took ten seconds to cross. At the information station just north of the river I learned that less than 1% of visitors in Alaska venture north of Fairbanks. Day 1 and I was already feeling elite.

Arriving at the Arctic Circle. I figured there was no turning back now.

Looking ahead on to the massive Brooks Range

Traveling through the Atigun Pass

After a long day of air travel, full day of stocking up, and finally a drive of epic proportions, I had finally touched down at Toolik Field Station, conveniently located between Coldfoot, AK to the south, and Deadhorse to the north. I still had yet to see the sky without the sun up, and my internal clock had not yet fully adjusted. I look ahead to a summer full of hiking, exploring, and discovering.


If you enjoyed this post, I suggest reading my first post in the series and checking back at my blog every few days. I will do my best to continue documenting my summer-long journey.


wow, beautiful you enjoy the food their? thanks for sharing

The food at Toolik, after one and a half days of having eaten it, is surprisingly good. I was told that it would be amazing, was skeptical, and was blown away. Last night's dinner was Mu Shu Pork with flour wraps. Today at lunch the had an arugula and beet salad. I am constantly surprised by the freshness of the food and quality of preparation!
5/5 stars will eat again.

good one @kzollove...pls add pictures next time...yum yum

Wonderful! I follow

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