My Top 5 Travel Goals!

in #travel6 years ago

Travel Goals!

Do you have any dreams? I think everybody does. My dreams contains photography and travel. So, to get to combined those would be amazing. The other day, I started to think of what places I've always wanted to visit, but haven't been able to yet. I came up with 5 places that have always seemed interesting to me. I've been a lot of places already, but never outside of Europe. But,I know I'll be traveling to one of these places someday.

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The Maldives.
I'm not sure when I first heard of The Maldives, but I do remember falling in love with the pictures. The long white beaches, the bungalows on the water, everything luxury.. I bet there's a lot of cool boat trips to take, and some awesome snorkeling. I'm not sure how much time I would want to spend there, but at least a week. This must be the perfect place for a honeymoon. A very romantic place that I hope to visit one day.

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This place has everything I need in life. Beautiful beaches, nice people, cool photography locations, awesome places to live, and the best of all; Thai food. I absolutely love Thai food. I would really like to spend a month or two in Thailand. Not at the same place the whole time, but travel from place to place. Experience a different culture, visit amazing places, and meet new interesting people.

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Imagine getting up in the morning, and walking across the street where you can buy freshly baked croissants. With chocolate. That itself, is a dream. I would love to spend a long weekend in Paris. Buy a bottle of wine, some food, and find a park for the perfect picnic. Do a lot of shopping, eat amazing food, and try to not spend too much money.

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New York.
1 month in New York? or two? Yes please! Watch musicals when ever I want on Broadway, shoot amazing cityscape photography, finally get to see the Empire State Building, and do a lot of shopping. I need to have a large budget.. I'm not a fan of the cold, so I think I would have to travel during the spring og summer. I bet there's a lot of good food, and I can't wait to try.

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Los Angeles
My fist out-of-Europe-for-the-first-time-trip will most likely be going to Thailand or Los Angeles. I would really like to spend a long time in LA. The whether is always nice and the possibilities are endless. That is what drags me towards LA. So, spending a couple of months over there would be really cool. Rent a car and take a road trip to a nearby city, try new things such as yoga on the beach, learn how to be even more creative with my photography, and do a lot of filming.

So, what are your travel goals? Maybe you have some travel tips for me? :)

Have a nice day Steemit friends!



Very-very amazing.. I like it.. 👍👍👍

Thank you, @nazarwills! :)

New York is def on my list too. And India.

Oh yes, India! That would be amazing.

Lovely post! Maldives are definitely on my list as well, the place just looks so pretty. I've never been outside of Europe either so my absolute dream places to visit are probably Morocco and the Philippines :)

Morocco and the Philippines would be really cool as well! I hope I'll be able to travel the world one day. Thanks for your comment, @emilyl! :)

Fine too 5.

Vært mye i Thailand. Har familie der. Skal reise med første gang me ringene snart. Følger du meg kan du lese litt om det.

Mye fint der og mange fine steder å variasjoner i landet fra nord til sør.

Bangkok er jo fantastisk by. Liker du storbyer er det er fantastisk sted. Åpent marked der hver helg. Verdens største tror jeg. Kan kjøpe alt fra boa slanger til pistoler til hakekors klistremerker og hellokitty ting i alle versjoner. Helt fantastisk. Billig er det også og de lurer ikkje turister normalt sett. Selvfølgelig noe sleipe selgere dere men stort sett indere og muslimer som er de værste der. Thaiene har stor respekt for folk. Kanskje derfor det er så populær destinasjon.

Lykke til med å oppfylle drømme reisene dine.

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