Explore Hong Kong with me #1 - Halfway Coffee 走在”半路”的高質咖啡

in #travel7 years ago

Hello Steemian,


今天我想介紹一家咖啡店 - Halfway,位於上環東街的中間位置,它的名字大概是根據它的店鋪位置而命名吧。由上環地鐵站走大概10分鐘路程就到了。

Located in the middle of a quiet street, “Halfway” is the coffee shop I would like to share with you today. I believe it’s named according to its location. It takes around 10 minutes walk from Sheung Wan Station.

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Sheung Wan and Kennedy Town in Hong Kong were mainly residential areas 10 years ago. With the extension of the West Island line of the MTR, different restaurants and cafes have been opening in this area. Many good quality restaurants can be found here. Last Saturday, my friend invited me to try this newly opened cafe named "Halfway".

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Located in the little alley, this artistic cafe gives you a mixed taste of the eastern and western culture. This cafe is a great place to spend time with. Their coffee is served in different vintage chinese-style cups found in front of the coffee Bar. Besides coffee, they also serve tea and snack food. We have only ordered coffee for today since we just had lunch before visiting.

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你猜猜這張照片裡藍色鐵筒裡放的是什麼?是放錢的喔,有猜對嗎?這其實是香港60 - 70年代舊式的收銀吊筒,一般還會掛個鈴鐺。以前做買賣還沒有收銀機,一般都是把錢放在筒裡並掛高,到收錢的時候再拉下來,把收到的錢放進去。鈴鐺在拉下的時候就會響,那麼別人想偷錢就不會那麼容易了。

Guess what's that blue bucket hanging from the ceiling is for? It's a cashier bucket for Hong Kong local corner shop owners to store their hard earned money in the 60s - 70s before the use of the cashier machine. People used to put money in the bucket and hung it from the ceiling. a little bell will also be attached to the rope between the bucket and handle. They would pull down the bucket and put the money in after every trade or transaction. This design was made for keeping thieves away from the money as the little bell will ring every time when the bucket was pulled down.

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Not only those cups used in store, the takeaway coffee cups were also printed with Chinese artistic pattern. The words "萬壽無疆" (wàn shòu wú jiāng) was found on these cups. It’s a blessing to the elderly on their birthday. It means wishing the elderly to long live happily. I like how this cafe combined Chinese-style utensils with western coffee and food. A fusion of Eastern and Western culture just like the old Hong Kong.

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Right opposite to the coffee bar, there is a white board wall for customers to leave comments or sharing their feelings.

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Hot Flat White

我點了一杯熱的Flat White (HKD $38),同行的朋友則點了一杯冰的Latte (HKD $45)。 Flat White 咖啡跟奶的比例很好,即使在遠處也能聞到濃濃的咖啡香味。

I ordered a cup of hot flat white (HKD $38) and my friend order a cup of iced latte (HKD $45). I love my hot flat white. There is a perfect balance between espresso and milk. (A flat white is an espresso based coffee beverage.)

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I highly recommend this coffee shop to people who will visit central western district in Hong Kong. It's a perfect place to enjoy a cup of quality coffee and the unique vibes fused of East and West culture.

Cafe Name: Halfway Coffee

Address: 上環東街12號地下 | 12 Tung Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong


請關注我,我會繼續分享更多好文給大家,謝謝大家 !

Thanks for your time. Wish you all have a wonderful day.

Please Upvote and Follow Me

Much Love! Kris xx


Looks relaxing. I will pay a visit to this cafe in the future.

Thank you for your comment!

這問cafe 好特別!竟用萬壽無疆的餐具杯子裝咖啡三明治哈哈!


Great, I love Hong Kong. Maybe next time you can show us the Tian Tan Buddha? :)


Sure. I would love to. :)

Great post! Hope to see more of Hong Kong

Thank you. I will do more of this series :)

I plan to do some exploring of my own country because alot of people who live in a place ussually never see the big highlights that the place offers. Im gonna start small with my home town and progressively grow. Hopefully it can be entertaining for other people as well.


對啊,這種中西混合很特別,万寿无疆配咖啡 。

Very beautiful pictures. You look beautiful too.

Thank you!

You are welcome

普慶坊以前有間3rd place也不錯,可惜早陣子結業了

3rd place哪裡環境很不錯, 我也去過!


我都好鍾意去個頭的cafe, 上環好多小店cafe都做得幾好。揾次要試下你依間先!

我都係呀,感覺上環西環既餐廳小店cafe, 質素比起銅鑼灣尖沙咀好d。

Interesting cafe! 中西合璧。Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for your comment!

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