Let's Travel To Aceh, Freshwater Lake " Danau Laut Tawar ", Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

For nature lovers, trips, and tourists.

I would like to introduce the natural beauty of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, one of them is the freshwater lake.

Freshwater lake ( Danau Laut Tawar )

Aceh has a lot of tourist attractions that must be visited. In addition to the Tsunami Museum, there is another tourist spot that is Lake Laut Tawar. Danau Laut Tawar is a lake and tourist area located in Gayo Highlands, Central Aceh district, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. On the west side of this lake is the town of Takengon, which is also the capital of Central Aceh district. Gayo tribe who inhabit the area, called this lake as Lake Lut Tawar.

This lake has an area of ​​about 5,472 hectares with a length of 17 km and a width of 3,219 km. The searchers know why this lake is called the sea? It turns out to have a Cuban sea lake is called by the name of the Sea because the waters of this lake is very wide. So even with the name Tawar, because the water in this lake is fresh water. The existence of Lake Laut Tawar is very vital because apart from being a tourist place frequented by tourists both domestic and foreign, also used as a source of water for Central Aceh Regency and several other districts around it.

The existence of Lake Laut Tawar becomes the pride of the people of Aceh. And the traditional story circulating around the Gayo community about the fish depik, shaped like a slim, scaly sleek ornamental fish with a size of thumb hand that lives in Lake Laut Tawar. It is said that the story, depik comes from grain of rice that is thrown into the lake. It will surface on certain seasons, especially during the rainy season. Before the season arrives, the hordes of depikes hide in the south of the lake, at the foot of Mount Bur Kelieten. Depik is a gift of God to the Gayo community, though constantly consumed, he never runs out.

Panorama around Lake Laut Tawar flanked by two hills presents its own beauty for those who visit this place. The unification of waters and terraces provides many livelihoods for people, especially around the Gayo highlands. The name of the sea because of its vastness as the sea and the designation of bargaining because the water is not salty.

The water contains a lot of flora and fauna, one of which is the most famous fish depik which is a fish species that exist only in Lake Laut Tawar. At this location the searchers can see the daily activities of the day - the day of farming and fishing. An activity that has become part of the daily life of people around the lake. Main commodities grown in the Gayo highlands include, among others, Gayo coffee (coffee arabica) which is very popular in Japan, potatoes, passion fruit, tomatoes, chili, corn, and vegetables. The most famous plantation commodities are Gayo tangerine and avocado.

The searchers want to go to Takengon preferably through Bireun City because there is a small terminal where elf transport special to Takengon.

Length of travel approximately 5 hours with the cost of Rp. 30,000. Apart from Bireun, alternative roads to Takengon can also be reached via Blang Kejeren and Kutacane. To travel to tourist attractions Lake Laut Tawar does not apply the price of admission alias free. Tourist attractions Lake Laut Tawar also has been equipped with accommodation such as around Lake Laut Tawar already has lodging, lodging for rent for searchers who want to spend the night around the Lake. There is also a boat that is ready to be hired to deliver searchers around the lake.

If the travelers are traveling to Lake Laut Tawar then do not forget also for a culinary tour in Takengon by tasting a delicious fish depik and typical Lake Laut Tawar. This fish is a kind of freshwater fish family wadher family that does not exist in other areas.

Additionally searchers are also required to taste the famous takengon coffee or gayo coffee and small pineapple but it is very sweet to be located in the Isak Takengon plantation.

How? interested in vacation and explore the tourism of Lake Laut Tawar with its natural beauty?

Let's invite family, friends, girlfriends, or be here!

I am @kentutmonyet, love this nature

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