My first and long leave from my hometown // 第一次離鄉別井

in #travel7 years ago

In 2014, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to participate in a half-year exchange program at the University of Nottingham. It was definitely a challenging yet rewarding experience to me. I would never forget this once-in-a-lifetime experience.


During my half-year stay in the UK, I had to overcome the language barrier and adapt to a completely new environment. Still remember the time when I bought a new SIM card but it was not working as described, so I called the hotline and tried my very best to complain in English... and also the experience of spending a few days opening a bank account there ... as well as getting completely lost in a transit from one city to another...

在這半年間,我盡力去克服語言障礙,並需要適應一個全新的環境。還記得我第一次買了一張新的SIM卡,但那SIM卡卻似乎沒有其聲稱的功能,於是我只好打電話到電訊公司的熱線,用盡全力去用我有限的英語投訴 ... 還有第一次開立銀行帳號 卻花上了好幾天... 以及第一次乘火車從一個城市轉到另一個城市時的那種徹底迷失 ...

On 2014 January 14th, I took a flight from Hong Kong to Manchester together with two of my classmates, who had joined the exchange program at the University of Manchester. The reason why I flew to Manchester instead of Nottingham is that my parents have some friends living in Manchester to take care of us, and most importantly having companions would be much better :) I guess the flight took about 15 hours... this was my first time taking such a long flight!

2014年1月14日,我和我的兩位同學一起乘飛機從香港飛往曼徹斯特。他們都是參加了曼徹斯特大學的交流活動。為什麼我要飛往曼徹斯特而不是諾丁漢?原因其一是我的父母有一些生活在曼徹斯特的朋友,他們能為我們提供照顧,最重要的就是人生路不熟,有同伴是很重要的啦 :) 我猜航程大約花上了15個小時 ... 這是我第一次乘坐航程這麼長的航班啊!


What a stunning view! 窗外的景色好美麗啊!

Our rented apartment was so far from the airport and luckily my parents' friends have a car! Otherwise I really don't know how we could get to the apartment.


2014-01-16 15.37.25.jpg

This is the apartment where we lived in Manchester 這就是我們居住的地方了

2014-01-16 13.33.14.jpg

We even have a tiny garden at the backyard! 公寓的後方還有一個小花園呢!

After settling down, we were so exhausted and hungry, so we just found a random restaurant at a short distance away. Here is my first dinner in the UK!

安頓下來之後,我們都已經疲憊不堪而且很餓,所以就在距離公寓不遠的地方隨機地找到了一間餐廳。 這就是我在英國的第一次晚餐了!

2014-01-16 16.42.55.jpg

Probably some Indian dishes? Forgot already. 大概是印度菜吧?都忘記了。

This marked the first day of my exchange life in the UK. Frankly, I was really a bad student and skipped quite a lot of lessons and didn't spend much time studying... most of my time was travelling and travelling >< Let me share with you my trips to other European cities later on! :)

這標誌著我在英國的交流生活的第一天。坦白說,我是一個壞學生,翹課是常有的事,而且沒有花上很多時間溫習 ...我的大部分時間都花在旅行上了 >< 讓我之後跟大家分享一下我在其他歐洲城市的遊記吧!:)

Upvote, resteem and follow me at @kenchung if you like my posts!


Nice post ...upvoted


現在的小孩在中小學階段已經有出國交流經驗了🙈 越來越瘋狂啦

Great post! I love it :D

Nice post! I am glad you got to do that trip. Sounds like an amazing experience

Amazing post. You have a new follower here, feel free to check my blog and let me know what you think @kenchung

yes it was truly amazing, glad that you like my post!

nice photos, the dish is indeed indian, i have enjoyed those rice many time along with them is daal chana, makes a great combination

up vote for you

thank you! the rice is quite special and different from chinese rice, but I quite like it

very good.
I would be happy if you like to follow me and give your opinion about my posts.


真巧~ 期待你的分享呢!


我也在英国呆过一整子。不过是工作不是求学。没什么时间到处旅游 ><


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