Visiting Paja Jovanovic painter exhibition at Jevrem Grujic legacy house //Poseta izložbi Paje Jovanovića u Domu Jevrema Grujića

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

This Sunday was well spend since we managed to visit exhibition of old and very known Serbian painter Paja Jovanović.
Curiosity of it that its held in house that is legacy of an old diplomat, from also very known and established family in Belgrade.
It's rather small museum with just several rooms that are turned into exhibition place. Original look of the house and furniture is well preserved, so among other things you can feel like been transported at the beginning of 20th century.


Ova nedelja je bila dobro iskorišćena, pošto smo uspeli da posetimo izložbu poznatog srpskog slikara Paje Jovanovića.
Kuriozitet je da se izložba odvija unutar kuće - legata, diplomate koji je pripadao veoma poznatoj Beogradskoj porodici.
Muzej je poprilično mali sa nekoliko soba koje su pretvorene u izložbeni prostor. Originalni izgled kuće i nameštaja je očuvan, tako da između ostalog možete da se osetite kao da su vas teleportovali na početak dvadesetog veka.


Paja Jovanović was painter educated at Vienna Art Academy and one of two best representatives of academic realism in our country.
His contribution among other things is that he made maybe two most important painting picturing events form Serbian history;

  • Serb migration
  • Crowning of king Dušan

-Dressing of Bride- is one also famous work describing typical moment in tradition of those days.
Last mentioned one is exhibited here, but copy of it made by artist himself. Original is held in National Museum that is closed for renovation.


Paja Jovanović je slikar školovan na Bečkoj akademiji umetnosti i jedan od dva naša najbolja predstavnika akademskog realizma.
Njegov doprinos izmedju ostalog je bio i u tome što je naslikao slike koje su označile i važne momente u istoriji Srba;

*- Seoba srba

  • Krunisanje kralja Dušana*

-Kićenje neveste- takođe poznato delo koje prikazuje momenat tipičan za tradiciju tog vremena.
Gore spomenuta slika je izložena ali u formi kopije koju je naslikao umetnik lično. Original slike se nalazi u Narodnom muzeju zatvorenom usled renoviranja.

As I mentioned already exhibited painting are at the walls of house, but house itself is very nice so here are some photos and details of it's rooms.


Kao što sam i rekla, slike se nalaze na zidovima kuće koja je sama po sebi izuzetno lepa, pa evo nekoliko slika unutrašnjosti.


What took my attention were details


Ono što je privuklo moju pažnju su detalji


You have candy served all around in silver bowls


Bonbone su servirane u srebrnim činijicama


But lets get back to painter..As well he was great painter he made great drawings too. Unfortunately like in all museums light is made the way you cant make good shots..


Ali vratimo se slikaru. Kao što je bio dobar slikar tako je bio odličan i crtač. Na žalost kao i u svim muzejima svetlo je postavljeno tako da se ne mogu napraviti dobre fotografije dela.


His fame came also with making portrait works of important members of society from that time.
@mayasky, you would be weery rich person if you lived in that time with your great portrait art!


Njagova slava je stečena takodje slikanjem portreta važnih članova društva tog vremena.


And also he was royal painter, he made several portraits of King Franz Joseph of Austria and Serbian Queen Marija Karadjordjević.


Takodje bio je dvorski slikar, naslikao je nekoliko portreta Austrijskog cara Franje Josifa i Srpske kraljice Marije Karadjordjević.



He was married with his model Muni. She was some thirty years younger than him, but history says that their marriage lasted till his death in Vienna in 1957. She was his model an muse and there are so many portraits and paintings of her.


Bio je oženjen svoji modelom Muni. Muni je bila nekih tridesetak godina mladja od njega, no istorija kaže da je brak potrajao do njegove smrti u Beču 1957 godine.


And here are some details and paintings that took my attention especially


I evo nekoliko detalja i slika koje su mi posebno privukle pažnju



So guys I hope you liked this visit and stroll as much as I did. And for those who are living in Serbia and have opportunity
for visit, exhibition will be open until 04th of March. After that, it's still legacy house but with regular program.


Eto društvo, nadam se da vam se dopala ova poseta kao i meni. I za one koji žive u Srbiji i imaju mogućnost posete, izložba je otvorena do 04. Marta. Posle toga će prostor biti i dalje otvoren ali sa stalnom postavkom.



thank you @arthuradamson, it was really back to past ride..

Nice photography, do you like traveling?.

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thanks for the detailed explanation and wonderful photos. I didn't know about this exhibition and now I will be sure to visit. Paja Jovanovic is one of my favorite painters.

@itaka, if you could you should go to visit this place. You have free tour guides on Sunday from 10-16h every half hour. It's also interesting to hear some things that are not in history books :) Entrance fee is symbolic 300rsd.

We will definitely visit it. Thanks again for the notification.
Obavezno cemo posetiti izlozbu. Hvala jos jednom na obavestenju i lepom blogu. 😊

Nema na cemu, zadovoljstvo mi je..Da pokazem da smo jos uvek svet :)

I love museum trips like this, where it feels as if someone still lives there. I love the portraits and drawings and the silver look like George V era. I love it all.

Happy to hear that @donnadavisart :) I hope soon reconstruction of Nacional museum will be finished and I will be able to share more great works.

Especially loved seeing the Paja Jovanović's drawings Dunja. 🦋

Yes, he was so good in drawings, and that old color of paper gives drawings more beauty @allyinspirit.

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