Arévalo, Ávila: castle and underground cellarssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel6 years ago

Arévalo could be defined, with all merit, as another of the capitals of Mudejar Romanesque art, a legacy that could be considered, in fact, as a monumental city and a cultural asset of interest.
Not in vain, now survive the not inconsiderable amount of five churches, incurses in this architectural discipline, which has its roots in those distant days of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, which, both as a whole, and separately, not only keep immeasurable artistic treasures of different times and place, but also, historical mysteries that constitute a fascinating enigma for the researcher.
It is also prolific in viandas, where they stand out, as it could not be otherwise, given its Castilian heritage and its vicinity to autonomous communities, such as Segovia, dishes of rich consistency, based on the most abundant raw material of the place: bread (essential in any Castilian soup worth its salt), suckling lamb and suckling pig.
But in addition, it also has one of the most interesting castles, of course, of the aforementioned Mudejar art, where queens resided, such as Isabel la Católica, of which it is known, among other anecdotes of interest, that she was also an admirer of that 'painter of demons', as Hieronimus Bosch, Bosch, was described.
Precisely, one of the paintings that today are exhibited in the Museo del Prado -probably, the famous "Carro de hay" - was found in this castle of Arevalo, located outside the city walls, in the vicinity of the cemetery and churches so relevant like Santa María la Mayor and San Martín.
Also here, taking advantage of the lower part of the hill where the castle rises, Arévalo offers another good of cultural interest: its cellars. Wineries that keep alive the ancient tradition and where, buried in that natural vagina -metaphorically speaking- that is the land, the wine will mace with pleasant slowness, until its rebirth at the table, where it accompanies, with its strong presence, meats as previously described.

NOTICE: Both the text and the photographs that accompany it are my exclusive intellectual property.

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Image © juancar347. All Rights Reserved.
Original content by @juancar347


[Martial, latin poet]

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Arte Ojala pudieras representar. el carácter y el espíritu. No habría sobre la tierra. Imagen más bella

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