STEEM-TRAVEL !!! 7 Facts About Edelweiss Flowers That Can not Be Picked

in #travel7 years ago


Edelweiss flowers are often the main attraction for people who climb mountains, especially in Aceh Sumatra. The edelweiss flower in Aceh Sumatra is different from the edelweiss on the plains of Europe.

In Aceh, edelweis is also known as Achenese edelweis or edelweis Aceh or bungoeng edelwies.
This flower is an edemic plant that grows in mountainous areas. Some of the mountains known for their edelweiss are, among others; Gunung Gede, Mount Rinjani, and Mount Merbabu.

The common features of this flower are white flower petals and usually bloom in the April-August period.
Famous for its beauty and not easily withered, edelweis bears the nickname as a perennial flower.

But unfortunately this nickname is inversely proportional to the existing conditions, many people who pick edelweis and take it as a 'souvenir', it actually makes edelweis threatened with extinction.

Here are some facts that coils summarize about edelweis:

1. Edelweis can only grow in mountainous areas

Edelweiss flowers usually grow in places with a height of about 2000 upwards, also depending on the air temperature and humidity at that altitude. So bringing down will only make this flower wither and die.

2. Why flowers lasting?

This is because in the edelweiss flowers contained hormones that can prevent the loss of petals are ethylene hormone. Degan this edelweis can bloom up to 10 years old.

3. Can now be cultivated

Currently edelweiss flowers can be cultivated mainly in the highlands. Examples are in the highlands. You can find and buy edelweiss flowers cultivated by farmers.

Usually cultivated by growing seedlings growing from seeds and scattered around the parent tree and planted in calcareous or sandy clay media with pH (acidity of soil) between 4-7.

4. Edelweis reserved

Indeed many have understood that pulling and bring edelweis down from the mountain is an act that is not allowed. And every climbing place has set up rules to appeal to the climbers not to pick edelweis, but there are still many who do not bother.

In addition to violating the ethical code of mountain climbing, revoking edelweis can be threatened with punishment according to Law No. 5 of 1990 on the Conservation of the Ecosystem's Natural Resources article 33 paragraph 1.

5. Being symbol and logo

Edelweiss flowers scattered in several highlands of Europe are often used as symbols and symbols, such as symbols in coins and the logo of an institution.

6. Edelweis is threatened with extinction

In 1988, there were 636 stems recorded from the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, one of the last sanctuaries of the edelweiss. Meanwhile, in the area of ​​Bromo edelweis rumored to have become extinct.

7. The best place to see edelweis

Tegal Alun Gunung Papandayan allegedly as the best place to see the edelweiss flowers. The total area of ​​Tegal Alun ranges from 32 hectares and almost in all areas can be found edelweiss flowers grow bloom naturally. Suryakencana Square and Mandalawangi Valley in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park also has a vast expanse of edelweiss.

If you want to show the beauty of the edelweiss, do not bring it down from the mountain, but invite people to see the beauty of edelweis on the mountain.
The beauty of the real edelweiss is when you see the stems swaying in the mountain breeze, not when edelweis is in your hands.

Let edelweis bloom and heed the landscape in nature. Let's keep the promise as a nature lover.

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Good post..
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i like your photo my friend

Thanks for your appreciate

That is a pretty cool looking flower! Good post and great pictures!

Haha your are joking me lol. Haha but thanks for your sweet words.

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