Trip to xitang/江南水乡-西塘

in #travel7 years ago
  • 小桥流水人家

      i went to the xitang this weekend, hope i can escape the noisy crowd of the city, enjoy carefree quiet afternoon sunlight, when i arrived, bridge was there, house was there , but moutain people moutain sea, walk forward with the crowd people, the noisy of corner shop , tourists, birds,I felt walk into a vegetable market. walk on the uneven surface of the stone road, the road is more solid than the asphalt road in the city, and the road is like life, uneven, and every step is taken. There is an old man selling magnolia bracelet on the bridge, five yuan each, it is not easy, bought one in the bag. After a while, the sun is setting, the afterglow drops down, and the river is full of fish-scale golden light, and the square feels the charm of some ancient towns. The next time when i come, i would choose a time wiht less people

           周末去了古镇西塘,本以为可以暂别城市的嘈杂人群,享受一下悠然恬静的午后阳光,到后才发现,小桥依然是那小桥,瓦屋依然是那瓦屋,但却是人山人海,只能随着人流一点点前行,街边小店的叫卖声,游客的呼喊声,偶尔划过的鸟叫声,让我仿佛置身菜场。既来之,则安之,脚下不平坦的石板路走起来比城市的柏油马路更加的扎实,路如人生,凹凸不平,每一步才走的用心。桥边有老人在卖玉兰花做的手镯,五块钱一个,挺不容易,买了一个放在包里。逛了一会,已是夕阳西下,余辉洒下来,河水泛起鱼鳞般的金光,此时方感受到一些古镇的韵味。下次再去的话,还是选择一个人少的时间吧 。

  •  曲径通幽处


@jeffan 那照片拍的太唯美,可以拿去参加月旦评的艺术组 :)

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