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RE: I Almost Went Trekking Through Rural Guatemala... Then All Hell Broke Loose

in #travel7 years ago

This is a great recap! Just from the name Quetzaltrekkers, you know they're going to be cool. But, I didn't imagine they would be that cool. Giving all of the proceeds for a school? Now that has a direct line to my heart. Will definitely check them out when the winds take me to Guatemala. Thanks for recommending them!

Mayan culture is definitely in the top 10 for me, so this is definitely interesting. You totally captured the struggle with your writing. I've felt it a number of times as well, so I could attest to the validity of what you wrote. It's something one cannot simply get used to. Sorry you had to go through that. On the bright side, at least you and your boyfriend didn't suffer the same thing at the same time. That would've been a whole new world of hurt. Plus, you lived through all of that and had a wicked story to tell! That's some kind of adventure. I guess it's the universe's way of compensating you for the hike you missed out on.

That was some trip! It's close to fiction as you could probably get, maybe that's why they call life stranger than fiction. Crazy place that Guatemala haha! Great stuff!


Yes, you should definitely check Quetzaltrekkers out! They also have a group in Leon Nicaragua. And the modern-day Mayans I met were more than happy to share their culture - if you're interested I wrote more about it in my post about studying Spanish.

My boyfriend and I tend to trade off getting sick, which makes things a lot easier even though the sick one always feels like they're holding the other back.

Everything that happened seemed so much more dramatic when I was feeling ill, I doubt Nash thought it felt like the whole world was collapsing on him haha. Thanks for reading!

I'll definitely check it out later. Currently on the kove so not much reading time.

It's great that you're trading being sick. At least one gets to support the other in their time of need. I totally get that feeling of holding the other back, but it's a conscious choice on the other's part.

Makes me think of that Ant-Man scene where it feels like it's heavy action but in the real world they look like toys playing with each other haha

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