WELCOME TO MY WORLD - Celebrations, Reunions and Outings :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


“The weekends are too short for sleep!” ― Bryant A. Loney,


Some weekends are all about being lazy - vegetating on the couch and spending time doing a whole lot of nothing - and others are absolutely jam packed!

This weekend was one of the jam packed variety...

Friday was pretty laid back, but Saturday kicked off with a celebratory spirit as we headed off to my brothers place along with the rest of the family, to celebrate my nieces 8th birthday - hence I did not write anything on Sat.



As always, it was a wonderful time. I love how close our family is, and that all of the cousins know each other well and are somewhat like extended siblings...

There was a little bit of touch rugby for the kids...


Whilst the men did what they do best - dodge the camera and talk "crypto currency"


As always an amazing time was had and my mom, Jude and I headed home via uber pretty close to midnight.


Sunday was once again to be a jam packed agenda. A very old friend of mine is visiting from New Zealand with her son and we arranged a get together lunch, as we have not seen each other on about 11 years!


It was a super afternoon, ans was made better by a couple of other friends from "that part" of my life that I also haven't seen in years. It was a super afternoon at The Brass Bell, reminiscing over the "good 'ol days"



It was also wonderful for both our kids to meet. Neither of us have seen the others child, since they were in nappies. We have always joked that our two boys could be brothers, as they as so VERY similar looking lol


After a lovely afternoon of fresh sea air and catching up, it was time to say our good byes and head home... Despite the fact that we had been out for lunch - it was in fact "National Braai Day" here in SA, so NOT lighting a fire, would be an absolute sin! So... lit the fire we did - and Jude did the braaing of the meat for us. He now considers himself a master chef :)


After dinner, we all curled up around the fire pit for some "chill time" - There is just nothing quite like sitting around the open flame - it is enormously therapeutic!


Today was once again, full of action... so we were up fairly early and hit the road...


Jude has been nagging for quite some time to go to the National Museum and as the weather today was not great - with rain forecast, we figured it would be a great day to do just that.

Watching Jude run around from one exhibit to the next resembled nothing short of a kid let loose in a candy store. lol! This is Jude standing in the jaws of a Blue Whale... We all know how big whales are, but standing within the jaws of one, is quite overwhelming when you truly process just how massive they are!


Jude is an absolute "Tuna Mayonnaise Sandwich" junkie! So we simply HAD to have a pic of him in front of the tuna fish... we told him that all he needed right then and there was a jar of mayonnaise and he would be set for life lol


There really is so much to see and absorb when visiting the museum and as much as you would hope that the little ones would stop and smell the roses, they don't! haha - they whizz through everything a million miles per second...


One of Jude's favourite parts was the "REAL ANIMALS" as he referred to it - funny that... I can remember how much I loved that part of the museum too when I was a kid.


However, I was somewhat saddened because all the way through that section he kept moaning that he wanted to actually touch them and they are all in glass display cabinets now, whereas when we were kids they were out in the open and you could touch them. People are sensory creatures and it is sad that this is no longer an option.

However, I suppose... rather that than have these pieces destroyed by those that are incapable of showing respect to them.


It took a little while of explaining to Jude to get him to understand the concept of "taxidermy" and that all of these animals were actually real. He was like "but how did they catch them just like that in that position?" and "why don't they have any cuts and wounds?" lol - Have to love my childs inquiring mind :)


Time for some more JAWS!!!! lol


After our walkabout in the museum, we took Jude to the planetarium which was needless to say... filled with plenty of "oooohs and aaaahs" lol



I think a few of those "ooohs and aaahhhhs" came from mommy too lol - it really was an awesome experience.


Jude absolutely LOVED the kiddies show at the planetarium, and requested that we go see the adults show straight afterward lol which sadly we couldn't as time was limited.

Off to the company gardens it was to have some lunch and feed a few squirrels :)





but first - lunch! I had the spicy chicken livers starter - which in all honesty was enough to be classed as a main meal. It was absolutely DELICIOUS - and SUPER HOT! lol - took me a good ten minutes to recover after that lol!

Truth be told, I was so starving, that I actually got stuck into my food (like a normal person) and then realised that I had not taken a photo... so I had to "re-construct" the plate for photographic purposes...lol! I think I did an "ok" job! hahaha!


And this was the other rather impatient patron awaiting his lunch lol!


Ok, lunch done and dusted, it was time to go feed some squirrels... which was the part that Jude had been looking forward to the most!


Whilst Jude was busy with the squirrels, I decided to enjoy some of the beautiful spring flora surrounding us...



Thankfully the weather was holing nicely, despite the fact that rain had been predicted all afternoon... which was great, because it afforded a little more time for exploration... ;)


Jude was sitting on the grass attempting to feed one of the squirrels when Dave threw a bag of nuts in his general direction, but without him seeing... and it was the attack of the pigeons!!! lol


It was hilarious!!! lol (bad parent! haha)


It would have been awesome to spend a whole lot more time there but as initially predicted, it started to rain, so... homeward bound it was...

But it was an AMAZING weekend all round!!! - Back to the grindstone tomorrow... lol


Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Very clear photo in my saw...
follow comment and upvote me.

thanks :)

The kids look the same indeed.. could be mistaken as brothers :)

i know, right! lol :)

I really like your post and I will wait for the next post

thank you :)

Glad you enjoyed it xxx


Jude is an absolute "Tuna Mayonnaise Sandwich" junkie!

We might be related. Bwahahahaha

Such an intense weekend! :)
And this cake! - Awesome :)
Upvoted and followed :)
Come check my blog as well.

Sounds like an action packed but fun weekend, forgive me I know I shouldn’t have but I did have a laugh at the pigeon attack, perhaps as it has happened ot me more than once and no real reason for it

Have a great evening

hahahahahaha!!!! Don't apologise - after he got over the initial fright, he was "do it again, do it again" lol ;)

LOL well thats cool then, actually it wasn’t Pigeons its seagulls that hate me, have been dive bombed by them at least twice probably more times

oh yes, they can be quite hectic! lol

For sure
And dangerous got a nice cut in my forehead from one

Forget #throughthewineglass , how do i become a member of #thealliance ?!

join their feed and use their tag in your posts :)

just changed a tag on the post I sent, we shall see!

That was quite an eventful weekend for just a birthday trip!!

Really nice photographs :)

thanks :) and yes it was rather lol

A weekend to remember.

absolutely :) xxx

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