Follow My Travel #07 - Louvre Museum - France

in #travel7 years ago

Louvre Museum - France

I think this week full of cold weather In the North East, US, makes me miss adventures where miracles happen. The museum I'm about to share is so huge, that you can barely walk it all in one day.

Louvre Museum. Paris, France

The Louvre Museum had amazing structures in every single corner to be honest. Each room has so much history from our past that can't even picture that has happened ever. I never imagine I was going to be able to see this type of history with my own eyes.

Al images in this post are unique and no one took them the way I did. I am not really an expert in explaining the history of each image, but at least I'm bringing you something to share and appreciate.

I was just really impressed and full of happiness in living such an experience that many people haven't had the opportunity to have in a life time.

I feel that we should all have this type of experience and we should all be able to afford it. I hope that everyone in this platform have a lot of success in order to travel more often around the world.

I really had am amazing experience in this Museum and i recommend to visit it if you are ever going to visit France. I was really satisfied of the opportunity and I felt very grateful about it.

I was able to have in front of me the famous painting known as The Mona Lisa. Here is an image about the painting:

I hope this experience has inspired you a little bit to start dreaming bigger in this life.

"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of soul instead".

Stay blessed.


Louvre Museum - France this is amazing place in the worlds that know many of the people, but want to reach the place for one time, this cold moment it's so awesome time are gone @javybar

Yes it's cold and difficunt on these times. Hope you get to it some day

In-front of you it's Mona Liza :O The greatest painting of all histories :O Bro this is amazing! Thank you very much for sharing such great travel experience with us! This is pretty amazing! One day I will travel to this place (Hope STEEM will help me)


That's the real idea for the future my friend, thank you

@javybar How can you travel in this cold time for week, this Museum is tradition in the worlds, i hope you can achieve fully enjoyment here, have a nice day

I did this back on April. I go back in time and warm my mind with my adventures in this cold weather :)

wow @jaybar you are really a lucky man . i,m sort of feeling jealous.
you are spending a wonderful life i wish i can have such an amazing life.
i can visit different places and have some fun but in the end i can,t beacause i can,t afford.
But i hope one day i can have some fun. steemit will help me to grow
Thanks for sharing you travel experience and for making me bit jealous heheh

Thank you very much. I believe you and anyone can make it happen anywhere you are. This platform can help us to achieve big time. Thank you for your contribution

wow its really great that you give these incredible photos of this Louvre Museum and i think you dont need to describe any thing about any single photo all photos shown its value and specially that statue is look more beautifull and wonderfull sir

I totally agree with you. The images on this post say it all pretty much. I'm glad you liked them :)

woa!!!! you explained it very well and still you say you are not an expert ... I did't had much interest in museum but this looks very cool ... these statues look awfully old ..thanks for sharing
this worth resteemed @javybar
sorry I wasn't here for quiet time beacuse of my exams but I am back !!!

Thank you for stopping by my friend. I wasn't interesting about it either, but i gave it a try and it was a wonderful time.

its my pleasure brother! I guess should try it too

wow its really an amazing museum here we can see amazing stuff hope you had enjoy alot, it's so wonderful keep traveling and updating new pictures ☺

Thank you my friend. I'm glad you liked them. Never lose the thought you can do this as well. We are all the same in this world. I will sure post my experiences to inspire more people like you. Thank you.

yap you really had inspired me always and im glad to have friend like you.
you are most welcome ☺

I think your images are great.
Very inspirational post.
Every person only has a finite amount of time on this Earth and our life is about investing that time into others. We do this so that the lives of people who come after us will be better.

We spend our entire life searching for our purpose—as if it is a tangible thing waiting to be discovered in the world. We learn, hurt, and work to try to fulfill this purpose but it is right in front of us our entire lives.

Think of the feeling you get when you help someone, when you really help them. It is one of the most satisfying feelings in the world. It fulfills something fundamental and universal to our humanity—it shows our shared human identity. Thank you @javybar for thid, there is a lot i took away from this post.

Thank you very much for your opinion and contribution. Your words are clearly exceptional to help each other to achieve what we want in life.

Very interesting post, I was not when I was not in France, but I completely agree with you, things like museums make us look at our lives differently and start thinking about what we will leave to our generation. I believe that everyone should visit such places with the world estate.

I believe people should visit as well. It changes a lot from your perspective to see things in life. Glad you liked them.

Oh yeah, in this museum the best kinds of historical exhibits and the interiors themselves amaze with their beauty! Thank you @javybar

Oh very nice images you shared. This museum is definitely amazing. Thank you for your contribution.

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