I Made It To The Hill of Crosses in Lithuania

in #travel8 years ago


It was warm and sunny afternoon in September when we arrived to the Hill of Crosses. As you walk closer to the hill and start to see countless crosses, you just realize - this is very unique place.

How many crosses on this hill and how many people visited this place for the last 100 years?.....Who knowns...

Took selfie with my friends...:)...

As you walk thru, you have this strange calm feeling - like something is touching your soul...

I got little cross too.......so I can leave it there ...:)...

You look around......and you see 1 000's of crosses.

You can find some interesting things too...

Different shape and size crosses...

Franciscan Monastery at the Hill of Crosses .

Signs on the crosses in german, polish, japanese, english, spanish ......from around the World.

This cross is special. Message from Pope John Paul II is written on it.

More crosses on the way out...

I'm not very religious person , but I want to come back to this place again!...



interesting place, I've never heard of it. Nice pics :-)

Thanks......Yes, it's amazing place....:)...

Wow, icluded for visit next year in my Epic Ride. Is there more places in Lithuania thats good to visit or see? And what is custom on hill of crosses? Can i bring something and leave there or ?

Yes, you should visit it!...:)...You can bring whatever you like and leave it there. Also you can google "what to see in Lithuania", so you can choose what you like to see....:)...

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