The flowers of Málaga. / Die Blüten Málagas.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


Hi Steemians, I hope you are having a nice time! :)
Today I would like to continue my series about Málaga. It happened that I made so many photos of really beautiful flowers and other amazing plants that I decided to make an own article of it, which I present you today. As you can see many thermophilic plants can prosper in the hot and sunny climate of southern Spain which wouldn't survive in Middle Europe.
And now let's enjoy the photos! :)


Hallo Steemians, ich hoffe, ihr habt eine gute Zeit! :)
Heute möchte ich mit meiner Serie über Málaga fortfahren. Auf unserer Reise sind so viele Fotos wirklich bezaubernd schöner Blumen und anderer erstaunlicher Pflanzen entstanden, dass ich mich dazu entschied, ihnen einen eigenen Artikel zu widmen. Wie ihr seht können viele wärmeliebende Pflanzen im heißen und sonnigen Klima Südspaniens gedeihen, die in Mitteleuropa nicht überleben würden.
Und nun lasst uns die Fotos genießen! :)

This broad palm alley invited to take a little stroll. Diese breite Palmen-Allee lud zum gemütlichen Schlendern ein.

This park full of tropical plants is located very near to the center of the city. Dieser Park voller tropischer Pflanzen befindet sich ganz in der Nähe des Stadtzentrums.

Young bananas ... Junge Bananen ...

Exotic looking Strelitzia. Exotisch aussehende Strelitzien.

Jasminum flowers may not look very spectacular but their fragrance is just fantastic. Pflanzen der Gattung Jasminum tragen Blüten, die vielleicht nicht am spektakulärsten aussehen, aber dafür ganz fantastisch duften.

Hibiscus flowers. Hibiskusblüten.

Also in the middle of the city many beautiful flowers were planted. Auch mitten in der Stadt wurden viele schöne Blumen angepflanzt.

A rose garden. Ein Rosengarten.

Waterlilies. Seerosen.

Olive trees are rather frequently in Málaga. Olivenbäume sind in Málaga häufig anzutreffen.

I made this photo close by the Alcazaba. Dieses Bild nahm ich in der Nähe der Alcazaba auf.


Fantastic photos @jaki01! Loved the color combination in the Strelitzia flower! <3

Wow, wunderschöne Blumen. Danke dafür. :-)

Nice park with a lot of beautiful flowers and plants.

Wonderful city decorated with the beautiful gardens! I especially love the rose garden!

Great photos! These make me feel refreshed now. Thanks so much for sharing. ;)

Mit der Präsentation dieser farbenfrohen Blütenpracht verlängerst du uns zumindest optisch den Sommer :-)

Danke auch für den Link zu Wissenswertem bei vielen Pflanzen, sehr informativ!

Was für eine Farbenpracht, tolle Bilder habt ihr da mitgebracht :)

I always look forward to such interesting postings like this one my friend @ jaki01, let me resteem my friend

Great sunny photos. We could do with some of that sunshine in the UK at the moment! I stayed on a banana plantation last time I was in Spain (the Canaries rather than the mainland). I love the way the trees are so upside-down!

Schöne Bilder hast du uns da mitgebracht! Ich war doch schon zu lange nicht mehr in Urlaub;) da kriegt man ja richtig Fernweh ! Danke @jaki01 ! LG jan

I recognize so many of those plants! Some of them in many gardens that I know, including my mother's garden!
You said lemon trees were frequent, and above you have an olive tree photo (which​ are planted almost everywhere in Andaluzia). It was meant to be this way!?

It seems you enjoyed your trip to southern Europe! :)

No, you got me (it wasn't intended like that): actually I have made pictures of lemon trees (in the rose garden are many), but the images are not really good, so when checking my photos after the trip I quickly took this picture (it looks better) without noticing that it wasn't a lemon tree. :)

Edit: I decided to change the text now instead of the image. Thanks for spotting that mistake.
Actually if you have very good eyes you may recognize some lemon trees in the background of the rose garden images. :)

Ups, I haven't noticed those lemon trees, but I believe in you when you said they were popular there. Here's the same, along with olive and some orange trees in the streets. My eyes are trained for recognize what I'm used to, and as a plant lover, I'm always paying attention to it!

Every time​ I'm in ​nature I'm trying to label at​ least the trees and bushes names! In garden's it's more difficult ;)

Nature Art is my way to preserve flowers for an endelss life and this chasing of Nature's beauty taught me to pay attention to every detail I see in them. Looking at your pictures made me more curious about the unseen beauty of everything and I realise how blessed are we!
Thank you!

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