香港日落勝地(一): 機場維修區 // Brilliant places for sunset: Aircraft maintenance area

in #travel7 years ago


Imagine a day with a brilliant weather. Will you get yourself out of the office or your comfy home and enjoy an enthralling sunset?

說起來,不知你們愛到那裡看日落,但我就喜歡到香港不同的地方探索,尋找看日落的好地方。走著走著,我發現原來香港真的有很多宜看日落的地點,就等你去發掘。上次跟大家介紹過西環碼頭,今次就帶大家到機場維修區看看吧 :)

Talking about sunset, I personally like to explore different spots in Hong Kong to enjoy this beautiful moment of the day. If you haven't realised already, there are actually many locations where we could see a brilliant sunset. Last time I introduced you the Sai Wan Pier. Today I'm bringing you to another amazing spot, namely the aircraft maintenance area.




Getting to the aircraft maintenance area is simple and easy. Firstly, take the MTR to the Tung Chung Station. Then, walk to the Tung Chung bus terminus and get yourself on Bus S52. The bus departs from the terminus every 20 minutes and it takes around 15 minutes to get to the maintenance area, which is the destination of the bus. After getting off from the bus, walk in the opposite direction for a bit and you will get to the seaside. It's the time when you should take out your camera!

(如果你喜歡看海,又是飛機迷,那這個地方對你來說簡直就是天堂 If you like the peaceful atmosphere by the seaside and you're a fan of aeroplanes, this place is a paradise for you)

小時候很喜歡看一套叫《反斗奇兵2》的迪士尼動畫 (其實第1集和第2集都超愛看 >_<),當中有一幕是胡迪和巴士光年等人在機場跑道上奔馳,然後有架飛機在他們頭頂飛過,準備降落。不知為什麼我覺得那一幕真的很震撼,一直很想體會下站在飛機下的感覺。然後我發現,原來在機場維修區這個地方就可以達成願望,因為看日落的地方其實就是機場跑道尾,隔數分鐘就會有飛機在你頭頂經過,向著夕陽飛去,這種感覺超級棒!(當然飛機的噪音不是說笑的,如果怕嘈的話可以考慮帶個耳塞哈哈哈)

When I was a kid, I liked to watch "Toy Story 2" a lot! (Both Toy Story and Toy Story 2 actually). There is a scene when Woody and Buzz Lightyear are running on the runway and a plane is right above them. I found that scene very impressing and I have always wanted to experience what it feels like when standing under a moving plane. Then I found this place and my dream came true. This location is actually near the end of the airport runway and a plane is taking off every several minutes. This is super awesome as the plane is just 50 meters (roughly) above you head. (Well the noise is also huge, so you might want to bring a pair of earplugs with you hahaha)

(可惡的雲把我的夕陽都遮蓋住...唯有自己幻想一下飛機望太陽飛去的景況 The sun hides behind those damx clouds... could only imagine the picture when the plane is flying towards the sun)

(真的很近,我相信飛機迷一看就能辨認出它的型號,可惜我不是 I'm sure an aeroplane fan could recognise readily what aircraft that is.)

(看著一架一架的飛機往它們的目的地飛去,我也很想立刻買張機票。。。I wanted to buy a flight ticket so much when I saw those planes heading to their destinations.)



It's a pity that the weather was not super great when we were there. Thick clouds right above the sea and we couldn't watch the perfect sunset. We will be back!


不如你們也在下面分享一下你們愛到那裡看日落吧 <3

People always describe Hong Kong as a tiny little place. However, there are a lot of wonderful places which are worth visiting! Share with me your secret places to watch the sunset in the comment section <3 Can't wait to read them!

Stay tuned for my next post :)
Follow me on Instagram: JackLcp_Lo
Follow me on Facebook: JackLCP



佢竟然知道這個地方?哈哈哈,如果無車可以坐S52巴士,都很方便 :)





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