Mystery Misty CIty (original photos)

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

A result of me messing around with post-processing. But yea, cool-looking place, these photos don't do it justice.

The best (worst?) thing about this picture is that it totally does not accurately convey the fog density, but if it did, I don't think it'd be a very useful picture. Maybe if I used different settings or had a better angle? I remember that it looked like it was kind of just floating in the fog. In my defense, there were a bunch of people crammed up against a single section of railing, taking selfies with their selfiesticks.

Here's a gnarly (get it? ha...ha...) looking tree. So you can see in these pictures, the fog does something weird with the lighting so that you get cool-looking effects in post processing. Wish I knew enough to be able to explain it, but maybe someone else can help with that.

An outdoor bathroom that I suspect is out of order. Wish I knew the story behind this but I really don't. I do recall my cousin's boyfriend rolling his eyes when we stopped to take pictures of this, like "fucking pretentious Americans...".

Alright, I don't need to narrate every photo do I?? I mean, basically, I just thought that these would look cooler because of the fog, but they didn't turn out so interesting. Still, I went through the trouble of editing them, so here they are. Feel free to make up your own narration, and if it's especially good, please leave it in a reply and I'll add it to the post.

O yea, i'll let everyone know where these were taken next time. Please offer up any advice, especially regarding editing tips/suggestions, and thanks for looking!


The first pic remind me Kowloon City :)

man i wish it was still in original condition. i remember this national geographic article on it, so amazing. i can't believe a place like that even existed in the real's like the whole city is a movie set or video game.

To consolate you, you can visit the Kawasaki Warehouse in Japan ; a whole building that try to reproduce the original.

0_0 i see it, woh cool.

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