Cycling4Steemit: My multi-Continental Cycling expedition - Denmark to South Africa. STARTING APRIL 2018!

in #travel7 years ago

How do we know what we are capable of if we have never tried? Have you ever questioned that small voice in your head that always tells you "You cannnot do it"? Sometimes we have to push our boundaries to the point where we are almost certain we will see failure. My next cycling adventure is gonna push that voice all the way over Europe, then through the throat of Africa and down to cape town... maybe, and just maybe then it will shut up.


This is roughly the route I am gonna take. Between Morocco and Senegal lays the western Sahara. Either has to be crossed by boat, plane or if i figure some unknown road will allow me to pass this monster.

There's no such thing as a failure, only a lesson.

Doubt and fear of failure is not a new feeling for me, but something I managed to truly overcome the first time I went on a cycling tour inside of Europe. Never did i feel any stronger and confident than the time where I was drifting throughout the center of Europe and along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. A 5 months have passed since then and I have had a lot of time to reflect on where to go next. Finally I have putted my destination on a far greater adventure: South Africa, Cape town.

When my future kids are gonna complain about cycling to school, I will be telling them I cycled to South Africa.

I know.. My kids will hate me. But this is surely a story that will be remembered as a personal achievement for myself. Given I will make it of course. My personal goal is to give it all I got and see how far I can go.. and then push it a little more. Will I make it to Cape town? That is the interesting part, I do not know myself. All I know is I live and breath for tour cycling and I want this to be my ultimate experience, hopefully dragging you guys with me on this blog! My philosophy have always been: You don't know what you can or cannot do before you have tried".


I'm so excited! AND I JUST CANT HIDE IT!

It's kind of this goofy old school song, remember? When I make a final decision I'm sticking to it and no matter how insane and unimaginable this adventure is gonna be, I just cant wait to get going again! I will be counting day by day until the snow has melted and the tracks are clear for me. Both me and my bike are ready to set out for another adventure, bigger than ever. Just the thought of new challenges, new people to meet and new memories to be made make me almost jump in my chair as I write this. I have no idea how it is gonna turn out and that is what makes all this so much more exciting.


What is Cycling4Steemit ?

Cycling4Steemit is a nomadic project that showcases how the combination of tour cycling and the modern way of blogging by Steemit can provide the ultimate freedom many travelers could only dream to have. It is the goal with this project not only to inspire many others to join Steemit and find their way outside of the office, but also fulfill my own dream as a expedition cyclist who goes beyond the borders.



You’re going to be such a great motivator for your kids !! I could never cycle that much but when it becomes a passion, it’s totally different . Can’t wait to see what you show us

I can't wait either! haha, hopefully one day my Imaginary kids can be proud of me lol.

OMG. I hope that you succeed. If you do, it will truly be a feat. From your map, i see that you are going to pass Nigeria. I f you do, please do not hesitate to contact the us, so we can support you.

wow haha already contacts in Nigeria then! Would be an honor to meet a fellow steemian on the way!

We have a lot of steemians in Nigeria, we have even formed communities based on the states in the country.

All you have to do is to contact us and we would give you a welcome.

There are also a lot of steemians in South Africa, so when you arrive, you can also meet up with them as well. Cheers.

This is awesome! Gonna be one heck of an adventure. You should just camel up and do the western sahara the right way! :) j/k

Hahaha, You think a camel can carry my bike maybe! I would actually consider it then LOL.

At the least it'd make a great pic :)

Soo cool!!! I am really looking forward to follow this amazing cyclingtrip!! Any idea when you are going to leave and do you have any idea how long it will take you??

Early April. how long time I honestly have no idea lol. maybe 8month to a year? usually not in a rush! haha. It will take the time it will take. it's far away and who knows what will happen.

@holm, nice to decided to following you. Yeah...Its actually interesting think of cycling around the world. I saw steemit 4 cycling journey from map. Its so long distance and across more Europe and African countries. I guess you all arrange yet. You were most succeed person of this field. I also prefer to cycling. I ride before long years.
Yeah..without our try to anything can't to do anymore in future. So I tell now If we have future milestones don't waste time. Per second more important. Time is golden. Firstly start and keep 1st step. Reminder our childhood those days. We walked more time fall down.
I wish you to success your journey. Stay blessed.

Thanks @kingsberry ! There's still some stuff to arrange but I got most of the things ready already! Cycling is amazing:)

Holy fricking s*** balls this is amazing! I have an passion for biking as well and I'm super excited to watch your journey before I can start my own biking around Finland! Now I can build my hype with you until I'm a free man from my civil service that I'm stuck with at the moment!!! I'm almost jumping on my seat too just from the thought of being free on the road, just me and the bike!

Lets build the hype together! Please let me know if you eventually start to blog about your biking adventures here on steemit! Would like to gather as many people I can so we can start a network of cyclists! :)

I'll put the reminder on my phone right away for the day before going to my trip; remind @holm in Steemit for 30th of August 2018! That biking network is an awesome idea!

Failures only show us a new path time to travel on with full steem on :D

SteemON! haha:)

Very Nice post thanks for interesting post @holm 🙆😍😍😍

This post has received a 6.96 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @holm

its a long route to travel with your bicycle and could be a legendary story when you tells to your grandchild.

Could be quite legendary indeed! haha:)

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