The Best Travel Destinations in August Part 1! (Haas Picks)

in #travel7 years ago

Let’s travel the world and experience the best destinations all over the world, ready to go on a trip?

The world has so much to offer and even after four years of traveling I only saw 13% of the globe! My biggest problem is to find a way in which I travel an earn money at the same time, so if you have any suggestions they are welcome.
But me trying to travel more is not what this post is about, this post is about the best travel destinations to go to in August! Like every month I will post about the “best travel destinations of the month and the best celebrations of the month”
So welcome back to the best travel destinations ! Make sure to visit all these places to create lasting memories, I hope I can one day!

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For all the people that love rum, parties and nice weather! So everybody? August will be the best time to visit Barbados.
In August they celebrate Crop Over, but don’t worry if you can’t make it in August the festivities run for three months!
Crop Over started out in 1780 when workers celebrated the end of the harvest, by now it’s all about getting together you can join the Cavalcade a big parade in May and June but the 1st of August there is a big parade with as mentioned plenty of Rum waiting for you.

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Costa Rica Sharks
You can be part of something unique but you have to be okay with rain. The island of Isla del Coco is extremely wet with about 7000mm of annual rainfall, so why should you go there? Because it’s the best spot in the world for Shark diving.
Although it’s the wettest time of the year it’s also the busiest time for sharks! You can book a tour and stay on the island and enjoy the largest schools of hammerheads.

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Wild Ass in India
I never been to India, but by posting this blog series I get more and more eager to go. India has so much to offer! In August you can see Wild Ass during breeding season.
Hardly any tourist go West of the clay desert of Gujarat because little grows there. Its very dry apart from one month during monsoon season when the dessert floods.
But please do visit the place if you want to go somewhere where hardly any other tourist will bother you. 1960 there were only 300 wild asses left but today the population is close 3000 strong.

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Horses in an ancient city
After visiting the asses in India you can see horses gallop in Italy if you want. The venue will be Il Campo in Siena until the 16th of August. It’s a traditional horseback race that lasts for 90 seconds, not really exciting? It will be because jockeys can do almost anything to their opponents. The winning horse is therefore often rider less.
Before the race the horses are blessed in churches, so if you want to be part of something with strong sense for drama Siena will be the spot to go.

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Thanks for stopping by everybody like always. I hope you liked this part of the best destinations to travel to! The world has so much to offer! If we only could travel full-time and visit all that is hosted around the world. Did anyone of you go to one of these events?
I am saving money in order to go on the road again for a bit, until then I will keep sharing these post with destination, back with more soon.
Don’t forget to have a look at my other blog series on the best celebrations, the hidden gem in Amsterdam and the NBA.
Have a good day everybody!

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So hard to decide. I think diving with sharks would be so cool but I am also afraid they might think of me as shark bait, lol. Which one would you pick?

I would pick Siena, looks like a very nice city

There is so much I still want to see in the world.... But indeed, time and money are the factors that are so important to it :) Great post, Barbados looks stunning :)

Thanks for stopping by, will keep sharing

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Cocos island on my must do dive list. I plan to do it in the next 2 years. Sharks a gogo. I run a diveshop in the Philippines so if you're heading this way give me a shout

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