Win A Travel Writing Scholarship in the Balkans!

in #travel7 years ago

Ever dreamed to become a Travel Writer? Well, here is your chance!

World Nomads is once again throwing a contest to allow a keen traveller to win a scholarship in travel writing! 

This time, it's all about WRITING! Do you feel lucky? Well, I do, and this time, I will try my luck! I have always wanted to travel to the Balkans and the one who wins this stuff will have a pretty sweet time!

What you can win

  1. Round-trip plane tickets from your country to Dubrovnik, Croatia where you will transfer to Herceg Novi, Montenegro. 
  2. An exclusive travel-writing course under the mentorship of New York Times contributor Tim Neville. ;
  3. A 10-day trip with €1000 spending money ;
  4. $500 USD worth of adventure travel clothes from ExOfficio
  5. Travel insurance for the duration of the trip :
  6. A Eurail rail pass  


Rules to Apply:

1) Write a 2500 words essay on one of those three themes:

  • Making a local connection,
  • Out of my comfort zone,
  • A place I’ll never forget.

2) Describe your itinerary in the Balkans, with at least 2 destinations (Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, etc.)

3) Complete the application FORM.


Time Schedule

  • March 21: end of applications.
  • 12 April: Winners will be announced
  • 05 June: workshop in Montenegro
  • 08 June: start of your journey!




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