✈First visit to Barcelona's Sagrada Familia✈

in #travel7 years ago

As you may have read earlier in @flamingirl latest post, as well as in my own post for @juliank's photography contest, I spent last weekend in Barcelona. I had hoped to escape for a while from the rain which is pounding mercilessly Andalusia for the past few weeks, and I was not disappointed: it was quite warm and sunny up there! It smelled like spring!

And apart from the meeting with @flamingirl, my second best moment in Barcelona was without doubt my visit to the Sagrada Familia. After 5 times in the Catalan capital, I eventually found the time and the will to visit that incredible place, and here are some photos for you.

The entrance to the monument is through the monumentally scary facade of the Nativity:

Passed that point, if you look back, you will see none other than God the Father looking down to you:

Then, you will get astonished by the play of lights from the glassworks which pepper the flanks of the building:

There is also a quite scary shadow on the inside of the facade of the : DEATH itself. No need to have a closer picture, it's dark side is explaining it all enough.

From there, you have without doubt the best vantage point to admire the ceiling of the building, that intricate maze of light and stone, supported by all those pilars which seem to reach the sky...

To be honest, you may be forgiven at times to think that you are inside a huge space ship rather than a cathedral! There are a thousand of little details to catch all around, like those symbols of the evangelists or of the main towns of Catalonia, adorning the pillars:

And then, you make your exit through the other facade of the Passion (no less monumental than the third):

With its amazing sculptures, inimitable, and so moving at the same time:

And all of this is the brainchild of this man: Antoni Gaudi (bust below). He died in 1926 and since then his child has grown bigger and bigger every year and is almost finished!

But they are still hard at work at it as you can see inside (in the workshop where the design work keeps going) and outside (where the cranes are towering over the crowds):

They say that the final tower should be erected in 2026! You can already book your ticket! Even if I really recommend to see the cathedral before, and several times, it's really like a living organism, which is, slowly, but surely, evolving...

Thanks for watching! :) Have you ever visited the Sagrada Familia?


Beautiful pictures and an amazing church, i have heard about that church from my friends.
Now im thinking about going there.

Oh yeah, it's incredible, it takes you totally unprepared: NOT the typical church!

Somebody told me about a church in Barcelona that they have never finished build.
Maybe thats the one?

Yes... They are still at work ^^ Supposed to be finished in 2026 (at best)

Ok, then they better hurry up then :)

Woowww... Beautiful place @herverisson... I am very interesting to visit it...

Wow nice you could escape the rain in Andalusia and have a weekend trip to Barcelona! I went to visit Sagrada Familia but just from outside. When I was there, the queue of people was just too long and I didn't have the patience to wait.. But one day, I'm also gonna visit it from the inside..:-)

I was quite happy with myself for booking the ticket on the internet. It was easy, fast, and it took me 2mins to enter the building, showing my ticket on my mobile phone :) Unfortunately, it was only the cheapest ticket. Next time, I'll buy the other one, where you can go UP the towers and see the whole city!


It is a pity that Gaudi could not create more houses and architectural buildings. He is a magnificent and very peculiar architect. I was in his museum and saw how he designed the spiers. He created the hanging temple design upside down!

Indeed! To calculate the structure weight he had to be very creative, I saw it as well in the museum below the church!

Very nice post! Thanks so much for sharing! 🙏🤗

✌😇 Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks!

Wow, beautiful...progress is being made!! Yet it's still covered with scaffolding!!! I was there going on 18 years ago, looks like much has changed, especially on the inside from what I can remember. Thanks for sharing!

Great pictures and awesome writing :) I recognize the place as my ex visited it last year and I remember a lot of touristic attractions from that area. I know there are even a lot of things related to football :)

No me gusta Fachada de Pasión para nada...
Incluso estatua de Gaudi en esta misma fachada parece estar de acuerdo conmigo...

I saw there two years ago. Construction is still going on:)

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