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RE: Confessions of a Lonesome Wanderer: One Step Closer (A Tribute)

in #travel7 years ago

I was thinking about all of this yesterday, too. It's so easy to think about the "rock star life" as being the ultimate experience, but these two incidents make me think about how Metallica reprised Bob Seger's Turn the Page. It's like they're collectively telling us, "Hey, it's really NOT what you think it is."

I think it's easy for those guys to lose track of their normal, everyday humanity. Scarier still is the fact that there will always be young people chasing that dream that may not even exist.

I think you're right, though. The secret is in the moment.


Those rock stars who died, they had such troubled past that they were able to produce good music out of those. Like their own life perfected their craft.

And ordinary people like us can relate to those words. The powerful voice when they sang. And their music became our own escape somehow from the realities of life.

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