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RE: Travel Story: Hitchhiking Chiloé island in Chile (Part I)

in #travel6 years ago

I have a friend who is biking in South America and I thought that was a challange!

What was the average time you had to wait during a hitchhike during your trips?

I will be following your adventures, I am planning to visit South America in the future. I even started learning Spanish :D



That's cool @haritakurdu, what part is he? if he needs help in southern Brazil just tell me and I'll do what I can to help.

Waiting time depends a lot on where you are, my shortest time was literally less than a minute and the longest waiting time was 3 days \o\o\o\ (yes, that's right! I waited 3 days and 2 nights, I had to walk most of the way and sleep by the road). As you can see if varies a lot on where you are.

Southern Chile and Argentina are by far the easiest places to hitchhike, they are very open to help backpackers.

If you ever come to Brazil, contact me, you can stay in my house if you need. Cheers.

Just seeing this reply now! Thank you man, you are so generous and kind. I will definitely let you know :)

My friend is a she, I think she is currently in Colombia.

You went to both extremes with the hitchhiking! How did you sleep by the road? Isn't that extremely dangerous? You could have gotten run over O_O

Following you adventures like a guide book for my future trip plans ;)

Thank you @haritakurdu!

Sleeping by the road is fine once you get used to it, just find a nice hidden spot preferably covered from trafic, like behind a rock or behind trees.

If you have any questions about hitchhiking just drop a message or find me on Discord, I'll be glad to help you.

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