The Basics of Flying a Plane (4 - Take-offs and Landings)

in #travel7 years ago

Hey Steemers,

Glad I could be apart of your day! Here is another tutorial on flying. If you haven't seen the rest, you can start here:

So today, I am going to talk about take-offs and landings. A fun part of the flying experience!

First, before take-off, you have to get cleared through the "ground", or air traffic control. The conversation might sound something like this (with commentary):
Get clearance to drive (taxi) on the runway and find which runway they want you to go to.
You: "FSW tower, Cessna Two Three Eight ready for takeoff IFR, runway two-niner."
(You asking permission first)

Tower: "Cessna Two Three Eight, winds two eight zero at eleven, cleared for takeoff."
(Them telling you the direction of the wind is North West 280 degrees from North blowing at 11 know, or 12.1 miles per hour, and you are good to go!)

You: "Cleared for takeoff runway two-niner, Cessna 238." (Always repeat the last line that they say to make it clear you understand! Also, runway 29 indicates that it is pointed in the direction of 290 degrees, or North West.)

To get you used to directions use this chart (North, South, East, and West):
images (1).jpg

Before you take-off you need to know how to steer. You do it with your feet! Push down on the right pedal to go right and push down on the left pedal to go left!

Oil Mixture Rich (Cools engine, hot because of power)
Flaps up 0 degrees
Full power to gain speed
Taking off is the easy part! You just have to speed up to about 65-80 miles an hour and pull back on the yolk (steering wheel).
images (2).jpg
Pull back power
Lean oil mixture

I find lining the plane up to the runway to be the hardest part. First, get into the traffic pattern around the runway:

Once you have clearance from the tower you can enter the traffic pattern and land...
download (1).jpg

As you are descending (dropping height), you do the following:
Push in the yoke (steering wheel)
Extend flaps from 0 to 10 to 20 degrees slowly (This slows your speed down from about 115 knots to 80 knots or so)
Line up the nose to the center of the runway and your wings parallel to the ground
Prepare for impact! Lol. It's actually not too bad

Hope you've enjoyed Steemers! Let me know what you think! Any topic you specifically want me to cover next? Questions? Comment? Concerns? Always helpful!




Wow, I didn't wake up this morning expecting to learn this much about flying a plane haha thanks! #upvoteforupvote?

No problem vizualsamuri! Keep in touch... More will go up! Will do lol

haha thanks sounds good!

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