Hanging out with friends in Korean 'beer warehouse' pub(맥주창고)

in #travel7 years ago

Hi steemit friends!

I want to introduce one of Korean pubs where young people like. It is called 'beer warehouse' because you can choose many beers whatever you like. There are many kinds of Korean beer and Global beers. Someday, I will introduce some Korean beer. Anyway, I just want to show the pub that I usually go.

안녕하세요. 여러분

오늘은 제가 자주 가는 맥주창고를 소개해 드릴까해요. 한국분들께는 너무 익숙한 곳일지 모르지만요. 요즘 다양한 맥주들이 많아져서 최근 약속있다 아니면 이차를 가야한다 할때 저는 종종 가거든요. 맛있는 맥주들이 있어서 좋아요.



There are many 'beer warehouse' style pub in Korea. It means that there are various beer here. It doesn't mean that the pub is 'beer warehouse'. It is kind of pub name. Because there are many kinds of it, various interior is possible. One that I visited was decorated with indian style tent, camping tables and chairs.

맥주창고는 다양한 스타일의 인테리어가 있는 곳들이 많은데요. 제가 간 곳은 텐트와 캠핑테이블과 의자로 꾸며놓은 곳이었어요.


I like the indian style tent because of cozy atmosphere of it. If you are lucky, you can get it that seat. Many people like that seat, thus it is little bit hard to get it to me. Sometime I get that seat when I go to the pub early in the evening.

저는 텐트스타일 자리가 참 좋는데요. 운이 좋아야지만 가볼 수 있는 것 같아요. 이른 저녁에야 가야 저는 얻을 수 있더라고요.




The 'beer warehouse' stlye pub is easy to use it. I mean this pub is is operated by self system. There are large refrigerators with full of various beers. You can go there and look at them. Finally you can choose whatever you like for dinking that night. Just bring it to your table and enjoy it. When you leave the bar, someone from the bar will help you to how to pay for it. Most time, the pub give you a bucket that you can put your empty beer bottles. You can bring it to the counter of the pub and pay for what you drink. And then done. Easy! Right? There are price written on the door of refrigerators.

맥주창고를 아직 가보지 않은 분들을 위해 이용방법에 설명드리자면 다양한 맥주들이 가득있는 냉장고로 가서 자유롭게 맥주를 골라 드시면 되요. 그리고 보통 빈 병을 담을 수 있는 버킷을 주는데 나갈때 그 버킷을 가져다가 계산하면 끝! 각 맥주의 가격은 냉장고 문에 적혀 있어요.



There are many young people. I usually hanging with friends in Seoul, Korea in some kind of place after dinner. It can be little bit loud but not that noisy.

늘 젊은 사람들로 바글거리기 때문에 소란스러움은 있어요. 그래고 엄청 시끄럽지는 않아서 친구들과 가기 좋아요.







I like 'beer warehouse' style Koean pub because I can try new type of beer. There are many kinds of beer from all of the world. Some beers are familliar some beers are unique that I don't know. There are not only world beers but also Korean beers. Recently Korean beer markey grow very quickly. Many brewery opend and release their beers a lot. Therefore if you come to'beer warehouse' pub, you can enjoy Korean beer, too. I found quite good Korean beer at the night. I also found rambic beer from Belgium. It tastes very sour. Therefore if you want to hang out with friends with light atmosphere, I recommand you 'beer warehouse' pub. You can search by 맥주창고(Mac Ju Chang Go). There are many places in all of the Korea. By the way Mac Ju means beer and Cang Go means warehouse in Korean.

I hope you like this story. If you like it, please follow me. Thank you always. :)

제가 맥주창고를 좋아하는 이유는 다양한 맥주를 맛볼 수 있기 때문이예요. 다양한 세계맥주는 물론 한국 맥주들도 맛볼 수 있는데 이번에 꽤 좋은 한국맥주도 발견했었어요. 참고로 람빅맥주라고 상온에서 발효한 벨기에맥주도 발견했는데 엄청 시긴 했지만 제 입맛엔 딱이더라고요. 각자의 취향에 맞는 맥주를 즐기기엔 저는 맥주창고만한 곳도 없는 것 같다고 생각해요.

이번 포스팅도 좋으셨길 바라며! 팔로우 부탁드려요. 항상 감사합니다. :)


Enjoy your time with your friends.

Thank you. :) It is good place for hanging out friends.

Nice story, thanks for sharing :)

You're welcome.

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Thank you. I did do my

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