
Ha ha. Good question Gringa. I had some CD's in the banks here come due a few weeks ago.....So I had to be here to sign some papers, in Quito up in the cold Andes. I wanted to hunker down for the holidays in nice weather and have access to the services of a city while I catch up on my blog, so I took an overnight bus to the coastal city of Guayaquil. Traveling during the holidays I try to avoid. Too busy and hotels raise their prices. So it's a good time for me to hang here and just catch up on my blog and back log a bunch of post so I can travel and not be stuck to my computer writing all day.

I actually moved here semi permanently a few years ago to get a permanent residency outside of the US (I'm sure your dad would like and to gain access to their insured 9.5% interest in the banks. Where in the US....well, you know what you get there for interest.

Ecuador is really visa and foreigner friendly as well. Safe, good culture, and they grow some of the best quality food in the world! You know how important that is! lol It's also incredibly affordable. I have a very nice hotel in a good area. AC, flat screen TV, room service, even refrigerator in my room, and a three min walk from the boardwalk....$12 per night after some "travel pro" negotiating!

Thanks for stopping by Miss Gringalicious! Happy New Year! Your Friend, Dan :)

"$12 per night after some "travel pro" negotiating!" Now there's a post right there!

Ok, I understand the motivation now. And, getting posts ready while in future travel, excellent idea. So, where to next?

Oh Gringa. The posts are endless. I've got like 100 waiting to be created if not more. Everything from cooking a two inch thick rib-eye steak in my hotel room, to a video of me ducking behind a baby carriage to avoiding getting hit by flaming debris as the Ecuadorians use mini sticks of dynamite, highly explosive fireworks, and burn tires in the street to celebrate new years last night! Caught it all on film. You've got to see this, will post it tomorrow morning. Certainly not a place for the lovely and elegant Gringalicious to be. I had to step over a few passed out drunk Ecuadorians to catch the action! lol

If I even get out of here, I'm planning on hitting up Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chili, and Argentina, and maybe Rio De Janiero Brazil that will take me into May. But I promised myself not to leave here until I've got all these posts back logged and I just cut and paste post when I need to, and keep up my steemit presence with three posts a day while I travel. So I may be here in my hotel room for another two weeks, just writing posts all day. I've got SO Many Photos, ideas, and just interesting things to share it's overwhelming. Wait until you see some of the markets here in Ecuador. Meat hanging from hooks, huge whole pigs roasted with old kichwa indian women ripping off chunks of pig flesh to be served and so much more. Like going back in time. Such an intense culture.

You have any travel plans for next year or anything special you're looking forward to?

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