Pass the guide across Ukraine. Entrance for Russians in 2017. How to reach. Prices

in #travel7 years ago

Friends, all hi from Ukraine! After nearly two months of rest of the house I again on a travel. Now I am in the remarkable Carpathians, on a visit at friends in the Oriyana. Co center to me many questions concerning entrance come to a pm and how to reach Ukraine that gave an incentive for writing of this article, I share fresh urgent information.


Due to the games of politics, the relations between Russia and Ukraine deteriorated, entry into Ukraine still visa-free, but rules of crossing of border exchanged.

What changed

1. Now entry into Ukraine is possible only according to the international passport (it was possible with the usual passport and the birth certificate for children earlier).2. Complication of entrance for males at the age of 18-60 let.3. Maximum term of stay in the country 90 dney.4. On border additional documents can demand.

What documents are necessary on border?

When crossing border can request the following documents (especially urgent for men aged from 18 up to 60 years, women as correctly nothing is asked):

1. The existing international passport.

2. The notarized invitation from host.

Becomes very easily, it is enough to ask to issue the invitation at the notary through acquaintances, relatives and etc. Registration will require the copy of a zagran, cost of execution of the power of attorney about 300 hryvnias, to make out on several people cheaper at once (certified copies are made).

It is the simplest to send the invitation through acquaintances, conductors of trains (it is more favorable to pay the conductor in Ukraine, in Russia is several times more expensive) or mail (it long and high risk that the envelope will be opened, such documents by mail are forbidden to be sent).

We remember a full name and the address of the person which did an insurance can be asked.

3. The return ticket or the ticket to the third country which without problems can be made according to the instruction.

4. Financial guarantees:

  • It is possible to specify in the invitation that all expenses are incurred by host.
  • Cash (rubles, dollars, euro, hryvnias, etc.)*
  • Account statement or bank*.

* according to information from the Internet about 900 hryvnias a day will be enough

  • The tourist contract (in case of the permit).

Something there will be enough one of the above-mentioned.

It is not obligatory to make out medical yet, about its need for one of sources there is no information. 

All listed documents are optional, but considerably increase chance of entrance. 


When crossing border can ask about visit of the Crimea what naturally we answer, did not visit.


When crossing border me asked only about existence of the invitation. The frontier guard saw it one eye and even did not begin to look. Bags did not watch at all so passing of border was one of the simplest in my memory.


1. The most bystry and convenient, but the most expensive way — by plane. Direct flights do not exist at present, but is with change, most often through Minsk. Tickets from Moscow to Kiev from 6-7 thousand, in way at best 4-5 hours. 

2. Will be to reach by train slightly cheaper, the prices on reserved seats from Moscow start from 4 thousand, to go 12-14 hours.

It is possible to buy the ticket on the website of the Russian Railway

3. By bus. It is the most available, but the most exhausting option. Practically all buses old and not comfortable to go 14-18 hours depending on load on border. Tickets from 1000 rub, I advise the website Busfor on which often there are sales.

Through Basfor we took the bus of Lys Car Trance transport company for 1300 rub. The bus was more or less comfortable, in salon hot, but is tolerable. On the Russian border there were nearly 4 hours! Only one window which was shortly closed on a break worked, having left the whole bus of people in the tiny room. To Kiev arrived with three-hour delay. 

4. To find a lift on the website 


Transport connection in the country is developed very well, without problems it is possible to reach in almost any corner of the country, the prices of land transport are many times lower than the Russian.

On the ground it is the best of all to move by trains, it is quite comfortable (cars Soviet) and is very cheap (the luxury will cheaper cost a reserved seat in Russia). For example for reserved seats from Kiev to Chernivtsi (11 hours in way) paid 203 hryvnias (480 rub), cost tickets in included bed linen and a cup of tea.

It is possible to buy railway tickets on the website Tickets quickly come to an end therefore I recommend to get in advance.

Local buses though old, but by them practically are always tickets and much more the directions. To buy tickets online on many flights there is no opportunity, some buses can be bought through the same Busfor.


Food prices, transport, housing are at least twice lower than in Russia.

For example fare in the Kiev subway of 5 hryvnias (12 rub). Fruit and vegetables around 10-30 hryvnias, about trains already wrote, I can lay out more detailed information later. 


In Ukraine it is very safe, people benevolent, did not meet any hatred concerning Russians, on streets it is not even visible to police. Everything that is lit in media by a lie and provocation. 

In Ukraine not the first time, but was only in Kiev and the Crimea. These places madly are pleasant to me, having visited Chernivtsi in transit and the Carpathians, I fall in love with the country even more. Here somehow all on house, very beautifully, people good, cheap, one of the most favourite countries, come to visit. 


Good post

thank you food information

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