Mad Dog in Chiang Mai - pretty nice selection of European favorites

in #travel5 years ago

Located right on one of the moat roads in central Chiang Mai, this place focuses almost entirely on foreign food as there was almost no Thai food on the menu at all. In my mind it doesn't make much sense for a foreign themed establishment to be selling Thai food. It would be like a Chinese restaurant in USA selling pizza - it doesn't make sense.


So the sign got me to go in because the word "Farang" isn't a word that the average tourist would even know. It simply means "foreigner" in Thai and it is not an official word but more of slang. It is perceived by some of the jaded community of expats to be a bit derogatory, but I don't mind it... whatever..


I am particularly intrigued by the Cottage Pie, which I will return for later. I had never had this delicacy until introduced to it by an English friend in Krabi. It is just delightful and I am looking forward to have a whole mess of mashed potatoes mixed with cheese and meat stuff. However, I was originally drawn in by the promise of pepperoni pizza because not many pizzerias offer this in Thailand.


It arrived quickly, was exactly what it said it was going to be, and was just the right size for someone like me. Small portions make me angry and this was definitely not small.


The interior of this place is nicely decorated with old photographs and collectibles, but the main thing that I enjoyed was that there was plenty of powerful fans keeping the heat at bay. I don't know if my phone was accurate about the temp, but it certainly was hot today so the fans were a nice touch.


I was able to have a pizza that was just the right size and a coke, served by a little less than enthusiastic lady for a little over 200 Baht ($7 or so.) While this is a little more than I would spend on a meal I think that it is fair to say that given the location and quality of the food, it is a very fair price. So much so that it is one of the few establishments that I have been to in my near one month of being here that I am likely to return to.

location including GPS coordinates
9/3 ถนน มูลเมือง ตำบล พระสิงห์ อำเภอเมืองเชียงใหม่ เชียงใหม่ 50100
+66 (0)53 273 002 (they actually DO answer the phone! amazing!)


When I read falang I had to think of our last trip to Bangkok. I don't know if it's written the same but falang is also a fruit (a pear or sth like that) and the dad of my gf bought one and for the Thai ppl it was a falang carrying a falang, they love these kind of jokes xD

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i think they are different words but yeah, i can see why that would be humorous to a Thai person :)

Hey gooddream. I notice the restaurant has a tin roof which would definitely make the restaurant feel hotter than it should. $7 doesn't seem to bad as it looks a decent quality pizza and a coke as well. If you want pepperoni you now know where to go. Nice review.

interesting name of the restaurant

That is pretty awesome and the pizza looks great! Those are definitely some comfort food classics on the menu there. I think I would have went for the meatloaf. I dig a good meatloaf as long as it isn't too dry. That is pretty funny about the sign. Kind of the equivalent of a place in Mexico selling "Gringo Food". I like the ice cream and apple pie too. A true American classic :)Thanks for sharing this great post!

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